Sunday, April 14, 2013

Regret Having Children

Sunshine Mary has a post over here that triggered my little Google Trend searching:

What I love about this is that children (as well as divorce) is usually the first REAL challenge today's modern adult-children face in their lives.  Understand the average American youth is shielded from the harsh realities of life with parental or governmental money well into their late 20's, even 30's.  But once they have a child or get a divorce, there's no amount of government money, programs, or societal ass-kissing that can shield them from the consequences.  And thus, when their cushy life runs head on into the crushing realities of rearing/raising a child, they have buyer's remorse.  Thus, the trend upward in people searching for others who have search "regret having children" so they can forgive themselves for not wanting to raise their own children because...well, like...children are *whinny tone* "sooo haaaaard!"

Enjoy the decline!


  1. Whether I knew any of this information before or not, I've always known that I've had no desire to bear children and this is exactly why! I'm not cut out for the part and I like to spend money on myself shamelessly. Did you see the photos of Tom Leykis and his amazing looking house the other day? That's what happens when one doesn't foolishly add to the problem of child abuse, neglect, and adopted children, among other things. Maybe those entitlements can go to people who actually need them.

  2. Once again, the guiding hand of cultural prohibitions shows that the old ways were often the better ways.

    Shit, even with money and a SAHM it's hard. I can't imagine how effing stupid a woman has to be to allow herself to get pregnant before it's time. Single-motherhood is such a great indicator of decision-making ability. Such a shame that it's a great wake-up call that comes with someone else's albatross around your neck if you get involved with one.

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Actually my regret would be more for the child's sake: bringing a child into a world declining into chaos is something I would reconsider if I had to do it all over again.

  4. coolstud2:54 PM

    ha ha ha this reminds me to laugh at people's mistakes.

  5. I'd like to have children...until I realized that there is almost no women worth having kids with. They are either cold, fat, promiscuous, or all of the above.

    Combine that with the fact they would be her biggest assets if she wanted to go run to pa government to remove me but keep my cash.

  6. Eric B5:43 PM

    Notice all the examples were single mothers. They only made it ten times harder by having children out if wedlock.

  7. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I love my child and do not regret her for a second... that being said it's unrelenting work and any parent who doesn't sit there occasionally at the end of the day and go:

    "Phew! Infanticide averted another day!" is, I believe, lying.

    The little beggars know how to press _all_ the buttons.

    Mine is sleeping sweetly right now, having basically gotten up and spent the day deciding to make sure Daddy got NOTHING of consequence done that didn't involve her.

  8. Anonymous8:27 PM

    my three are the the best part of my life.

  9. To Anonymous #1: pooh-pooh to your weak argument: Fact: without British upper class snobs espousing the same pessimistic crap 200+ years ago, there would be no US. Admiral Nelson was estranged from his wife, who would not open her legs and risk bringing a child into the cold, cruel yadda yadda world. As a result, he got a mistress, and, having gotten caught, was punished by NOT getting sent to the US to lead the blockade here, instead getting posted to Africa. - he was the greatest naval tactician of all times, and the US would have lost the revolution without a doubt if he was involved. So, claims of bringing a kid into a world where he/she doesn't have to worry about enslavement/plague/famine aside, more resources for my kids and my gene pool, so... thanks?

  10. Shameful8:50 PM


    Yep having children with Western woman is simply to dangerous for a man of means. Paradoxically having NOTHING makes it a lot easier, what can she take? And while gravy train runs can lean on Uncle Sugar. I've noticed a trend in single moms I know, the men are basically hobos. Almost all with substance abuse problems and no real job/skill. The lesson to me is the future will be inherited by the genes of the laziest, Enjoy the Decline!

    If the desire for children is strong enough, move. I'm working on it now, though expect will take years to accomplish.

  11. John Rambo12:05 AM

    You want to see some really sick shit, man?

    That's a screen shot of one radical feminist saying she wished she had aborted her son, merely because her son likes to look at porn.

    With evil women like this raising children, it's no wonder the younger generation is so screwed up.

  12. my kid rules, don't regret getting him for a second. he gaurds the house and watches over me while i sleep.

    Brody owns.

  13. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I constantly remind my grown kids that I am perfectly fine with NOT becoming a grandfather. I just hope that they take me seriously.

  14. Anonymous8:14 AM

    One problem is this includes people who were searching for validation of their own decision to not have kids. Given the amount of ink spilled on the subject, it's not an insignificant cohort.

  15. Seerak3:24 AM

    "Oh, young people these days, they all want to have kids...

    ...but then they find out that they have to raise them."

    -my mom
