Sunday, April 14, 2013

The 3 Musketeers of the Manosphere

There are three sites that I would like to highlight because they are aggregator sites and they account for a fair amount of my traffic.

However, since they are aggregator sites you usually do not link to them since they do not produce or publish their own material.  This kind of creates an irony because they send out a TON of linkage, but rarely do we send any back.

Ergo, please consider getting on the good side or sending a link to a buddy for the following three aggregator sites:

Delusion Damage

Hawaiian Libertarian

Viva La Manosphere


  1. i talked with VLM the other night. cool guy. british, i gave him the insider run-down of the sphere. i think the aggregators need more support.

    they do a thankless job. i posted on them the other day. VLM's a cool guy. it was nice to officially welcome him to our little world.

  2. Keoni Galt1:12 AM

    Hey Cap...thanks for the linkage! But.....

    However, since they are aggregator sites you usually do not link to them since they do not produce or publish their own material.

    I generally post once a week. I only recently just took a 3 1/2 blogging hiatus (meant to make it a month, but shit happens.)

    PS - I just finished reading Enjoy the Decline. Review post coming soon!

    Aggregate that!!!! :-)

  3. Keoni Galt writes a lot of good articles.

  4. That would be Hawaiian Libertarian.

  5. Steffen9:59 AM

    Elusive Wapiti gets my aggregator vote most of the time.

    Keep the good stuff coming!

  6. Thanks for the linkage Cappy, and for all the support you've given to me and vivalamanosphere
