Wednesday, April 03, 2013

With Feminists Like These, Who Needs Misogynists?

Mercy!  And the irony is this is the FEMINIST GROUP of a COMMUNIST PARTY!


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    The funny thing is, it's the best advice they could give. It's nice to see a group of feminists actually looking out for women for once - Riffer

  2. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Sounds like they're just in touch with reality to me. The comments section of that video gives me hope for the human race.

  3. Anonymous1:31 PM

    The problem is that the chinese feminists are 100 percent correct. Th only thing that I can't get my head around is that if female infanticide is as big a problem as we are led to believe, there should be a shortage of women.

  4. Anonymous1:31 PM

    The problem is that the chinese feminists are 100 percent correct. Th only thing that I can't get my head around is that if female infanticide is as big a problem as we are led to believe, there should be a shortage of women.

  5. Communist Feminist is an Oxymoron - well actually I guess it's a Cluster-Moron sort of like a cluster-fuck but dumber.

  6. Anonymous6:37 AM

    As a Chinese, let me try to explain some of this. 1) The Chinese woman's association is not "feminist" in the western sense. 2) Communist or not, they're nationalists first, so while they will do the song and dance about communism, they're more focused national interests, without any political correctness that hold back particular policies in the US. For example, Google for Chinese eugenics and genomics. American may think that eugenics is a bad word--we think it's a good thing. 3) Having a bunch of intelligence women (albeit lacking common sense) not having children is bad for the country as a whole, and I'm sure their parents are flipping out, so get out the propaganda arm. Think Lori Gottlieb with the backing of the Ministry of Truth. Indeed, even before the "leftover women", there was a case where a Chinese girl said "宁在宝马车里哭,也不在自行车上笑" ("I would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle.") on the TV show Fei Cheng Wu Rao ("He's the one", which is an insightful view into contemporary urban Chinese female hypergamy -- which, btw, I often call Ji Shen Wu Ran--"spiritual pollution"--they're homonyms). After this incident, the propaganda arm moved into action, calling the show a "degradation of Chinese social values," and forcing the producer to giving air time such hypergamous candidates. 4) As for the last commentator's quip about female infanticide--that is a phenomenon that occurs only in the rural areas. The two leftover categories are rich women from the costal regions who insist on only dating richer, more educated men, and poor men from the interior provinces.

  7. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Chinese guy again... Apropos, this video is created by the the racist cult Falun Gong (if you read the Chinese writing by their leader, you will see that he believes interracial children are unpure and other such crap--none of this is translated into English of course)-- which should not be trusted.

  8. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I disagree with the Chinese guy. The group is clearly feminist in what it is set up to do and set up for, it is just preaching a different feminism (an example in the USA might have been the church ladies groups of the past).

    And this contrast illustrates what feminism really is: it is not a set and unchanging political Ideology, and should not be treated as such.

    Rather feminism is the speech that is necessary to propel the speaker into access of the mainstream of society. Many US (or especially Canadian) feminists are the dregs of the SMP, but by shamelessly pandering to alpha females, these women can leverage this contact into social access and power.

    In China, shamelessly pandering to alpa females does not work, so they instead pander to the ruling elite (which is made up of alpha but also many beta males).

    In other words, feminists will champion the output that society wants them to champion, because the ideas and goals for society really aren't the point.
