Friday, May 31, 2013

Republicans Get 30 Seconds, But the Democrats Get 20 Years

"I have pity for the Republicans.  How are they supposed to undo 20 years of leftist indoctrination with 30 second sound bytes for commercials?"

at the 1:05:00 mark or so.


  1. Bullshit is much more marketable than truth based in empiricism. I've witnessed it first hand. You can be as brash and abrasive as you want with someone blinded by ideology but they will never change their mind unless they experience something completely bad that causes their whole narrow world view to flip upside down! Then you can get through to them.

    Lots of people still liked Bill Clinton even after his whole scandal and I think even if Obama got impeached somehow, then he'd still have a whole legion of fans. The double standards are astounding.

  2. Green Steelhead12:03 PM

    Indeed. I was having this discussion with my wife the other day and came to the same point. The Right has given up the schools, the universities, the arts, Hollywood, most of the news media, much of the government complex, much social media, and even grassroots advocates and activists to a large extent.

    The Right walked away from these long ago; the Left has been chipping away at these institutions for more than 20 years. They now own them, and the Right expects to win? No, dear by a long shot.

  3. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Republicans Get 30 Seconds, But the Democrats Get 20 Years

    When I read this title, I was hoping that you were referring to prison sentences.

    In a just world...

  4. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Do believe in this shit. Who cares; it's over
    (sic) Enjoy the decline.

  5. James Wolfe8:34 PM

    Up until this last election I was totally dedicated to doing my part to get rid of this socialist fascist or however you wish to define this government. But now I realize how pointless it is to even try. It doesn't matter how many conservatives get out and vote, when every liberal goes out and votes 5 or 6 times. Our votes are cancelled by total fraud. So why bother. Let them have their utopia. Liberal utopia has a name. Detroit. Let it rot. And enjoy the decline!

  6. "The Right has given up the schools, the universities, the arts, Hollywood, most of the news media, much of the government complex, much social media, and even grassroots advocates and activists to a large extent."

    I think if the right had just acceded those areas/parts of american culture, then we would have had a huge backlash against leftism by now. it seems more like that the right keeps struggling to make their presence felt but does not stand a chance in those areas.

    the struggle fills those young liberals with a sense of righteous justification for their dogma. it takes them decades to snap out of it and think for themselves, if they even can.

    on top of that, young people are dumb. they get 90% of their news from the daily show. it's sad.
