Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Damn Hippies

Found some hippie tracks.  Some damn hippie hiking on my trails on my mountain!


  1. Vibram 5 Fingers is indeed hippy footwear for those who think it is somehow more natural to see their toes. My ancestors didn't tame the wilderness and cross oceans so I could see my damned toes!

  2. Those look like Vibram shoes to me, or a knock off. Personally, I would love a pair.

  3. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Those are not "Hippie" tracks...those would be Birkenstocks.

    Vibrams are Primal/Paleo Peeps.

    BIG difference!!!

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    BTW, did you get your email from Amazon Associates yet? Can't wait to hear about that...Grr.

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I fully enjoy running in my 5 fingers....and do NOT qualify as a hippie.

  6. Revo Luzione12:12 PM

    Listen the Anonymous guy--it's the paleo/primal crossfit crowd that wears these. Hippies wear Birkenstocks, those hideous clogs, or maybe chaco sandals.

    Lotsa the paleo primal people are libertarians & free thinkers. Just FYI bruh. Got to get your memes straight!

  7. Nope, nope, sorry.

    I have to "decree."

    The "foot gloves" or whatever you want to call them are officially hippie.

    So sorry 123NOQUITS!


  8. weambulance12:23 AM

    Pah. The hippies would never let me join their peace circle or whatever crap they do, but I love my Vibram Five Fingers. They're the most comfortable shoes ever, seriously.

    I am a libertarian paleo crossfitter, though.
