Friday, June 21, 2013

For All The Poor Wells Fargo Tellers

Just so you know, every one of us knows that your bosses are forcing you to do the fake "nice" thing, asking us how our day is.  We feel for you and wish the same miserable and painful death upon your banking boss overlords as you do.  Understand we sympathize with your plight and take no umbrage to you being forced to feign fake interest in our lives.   We will do our part to keep our transactions efficient and uncumbersome as possible to make your day more bearable.

Please forward this message to all the other poor suffering souls in the teller community.


  1. I was a teller supervisor for a year. Worst job ever. Trying to corral a bunch of college age brats thinking they are going to make their fortune in pharmaceutical sales once they graduate while dealing with a management structure that wants bank tellers selling more products. It's the glorified 'Do you want fries with that?' I kid you not, if I didn't keep my eye on one of the girls, she would stick the money from her drawer in her pants and dance around behind the teller line. Then I get 'talked to' for asking if she was rehearsing for her other job and pointing out that she'd probably make better money that way than what she was going to school to do.
    Bank tellers think they are special, but they are nothing more than clerks.

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I agree that there are few things more annoying than this bullshit. I don't need another friend. Just act polite and be efficient, period.

  3. Jane the Grad Student11:11 AM

    I'd be happy if the tellers/ clerks/ sales staff would stop trying to hook me deeper with every. stinking. transaction. Bookstore, grocery store, bank, whatever-- "are you on our mailing list? Can I have your email address for the receipt? Will you be saving 5% with our Customer Loyalty card today? Are you interested in opening an additional vein-- oops, I mean ACCOUNT-- with us today? Well, how about a secured credit card?" Please just let me make a deposit or buy a jug of milk in peace...

  4. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Aw hell, at least they don't have to work in a restaurant where they have to pretend to be the customer's best friend ever while they clap and sing some lame Happy Birthday song to him or her, right after one poor sap had to yell for everyone's attention to the sorry show. At one steak chain they have to line dance to a certain song every 20 minutes or so.

    My area used to have a tradition of birthday shot, where you show the bartender your license to confirm that you weren't scamming for a free drink, you got a shot of your choice, and it was over that fast. No artifice involved. A quick, sincere toast, then back to normal. Then excise got anal and banned it, along with Happy Hour.

    I do recall a news story from a couple of years ago where some grocery store required its tellers and baggers to do the happy talk. Trouble was, the guys were in their glory since they thought these nubile young cuties were interested in them with all this chattiness, and the poor ladies got hit on, hard, all day by all these guys they didn't even want to look at much less ask how their lives are. Harassment lawsuits eventually happened and the practice was ended in an instant.

  5. Anonymous1:25 PM

    This is why I love internet banking.

    HATE it when I have to actually call someone to accomplish transactions.

  6. I just stick to my credit union. They do the normal pleasantries, but that's it. "How are you today?" "Great. I need to put this in checking." "OK, sir, what's your access number?"

    Real simple. No bullshit fees. I don't understand why people still do business with banks.
