Sunday, July 21, 2013

It's Called Capital Flight

And it's the primary reason you leftist scumbuckets will not have anything in the shelves in the end despite all the promises you made to yourselves.


  1. Amethyst12:47 AM

    Just read the comments of that article. The lefties are squealing about how Tim Horton's betrayed Canada by moving out to America and about how the "neocon myth of high taxes in Canada has been debunked." It's like they have no idea why Tim Horton's left Canada for America in the first place...

  2. Just Saying6:22 AM

    This is simple common sense, and the reason that the direction the US is headed is toward a cliff. I, and others, are off-shoring our businesses as quickly as possible, while letting the US pay all of the costs for doing so, while denying them revenue at the same time.

    This is the ideal situation if you own a business and see the path the US is on as destructive. It also has the added advantage of letting business owners like me laugh at all of the idiots screaming they cannot find a job, while having their hand out to the Nanny Government. The money comes from somewhere - and the people like me are leaving. You are on your way to become another Third World hell-hole - good luck with that...

  3. "It is too soon to say whether Tim Hortons is on the vanguard of a trend, economists and tax experts said Monday."

    Really, it's too soon to say? I'd say it hasn't been too soon to say for about 3 years now. If you've been paying attention you would already know that companies are fleeing the U.S. for other countries, such as Ireland, likes rats from a sinking ship. I don't even own a business (though I've got a great idea to start one, I'm just scared to do it in the U.S.) and I know that Ireland has one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the entire world! They also speak English in Ireland, the climate is similar to the U.S., the people are friendly, the women are friendly and beautiful and... wait, why am I still in the U.S. again?

  4. The interesting thing in this case is that the businesses aren't moving, just the headquarters is.

    Maybe lawmakers think that corporate income taxes can't be dodged so easily. They are mistaken.

  5. I recently started reading "Atlas Shrugged", which has been on my list of books to read for years.

    I have to keep reminding myself that the book is fiction, and I'm not reading current event headlines. Sure reads like it though.

  6. sth_txs1:16 PM
