Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It's Called "Capital Flight" and Liberals are Too Damn Stupid to Know What That Means

But they will suffer from it anyway.


  1. My home state - People's Socialist State of Illinois is number 3, after NY and CA. No surprise there.

  2. But Liberals are always the smartest people in the room, Cappy Cap.

  3. beta_plus8:03 PM

    What happens when there is no where left to run?

    Seriously, I worry that we'll reach a day when that happens and we end up in a SHTF scenario

  4. Canada is a very liberal nation, boys, so we are waaaaay ahead of the curve on this one. Let me tell ya where this is going so you can load your guns now.

    Let me tell you where this went in my country. Quebec is chock full of fwench socialists. Morontario is full of gay hipsters, elderly hippies and angry feminists. They hate anybody with money and a work ethic and looted them with confiscatory taxes so they all left and went west to AB and SK. The eastern progtards found themselves without a meal ticket.

    So, with the majority of the nation filled with parasites and slugs out east decided to institute 'provincial transfer payments' where successful provinces like AB and SK would be taxed to bankroll the duds and deadbeats like Ontario, Quebec, the Maritimes, the NWT, PEI and sometimes BC. We Albertans flush around $8 billion dollars annually down Quebec...and they hate us for it. Bastards.

    In any event, don't be surprised if the Obutthole Administration decides that the wealthy states have a duty of care for the poorer ones...and that the playing field needs to be 'levelled out a bit...'.

    What is that acronym? BOHICA...?

    1. Oh, hell, I think you fucking NAILED it, Sir. Nailed it.

  5. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I don't mind them fleeing. I just wish they wouldn't come here. It is predictable that they will raise the cost of living here and vote democratic party line, turning us into a blue state that's just as ruined as the one they came from.

  6. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I agree with newrebeluniv. These liberal assholes show up in my state with their agenda and poison the system further. They can take their money and pathetic attitudes somewhere else!!

  7. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Maybe a 5 year voting prohibition for anyone moving into a red state from a blue state. Might give them time to figure things out. Maybe.

  8. sth_txs9:20 AM

    Hopefully we can keep the libtard airwasting scum confined to Austin, Texas.
