Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Corporate Culture's Mental Sickness

Again, my detractors will claim I just "couldn't hack it" in the real world.

I contest there is something very sick, wrong, and evil about the corporate world.


  1. PeppermintPanda10:04 AM

    It depends on the field, industry, size of company, and management style of the company ...

    No company is perfect, but there are pockets of particularly good or bad corporate cultures

  2. ..but then, if they had said ballroom dancing, yur high flying "career with "Currys" (Huh?) would have been a done deal.

    Kinda makes ya want to know who they did hire...

  3. Maybe Jesus got upset with the moneychangers for a similar reason.

    Numerous studies and commentaries have reflected on the sociopathic tendencies of some managerial practices.

    In a purely humanitarian world would we treat employees like numbers and business statistics or as people?

    Perhaps some balance that places more of a premium on respecting human beings rather than exploitation of them as a "human resource" is due.

  4. What the? And I thought all the 'How do you feel about cleaning up after a party?' questions were ridiculous.

  5. The guy probably wouldn't have been so desperate for a job if it wasn't for this part.

    "Mr Bacon has been looking for work since gaining his degree in documentary, film and TV from the University of South Wales in July."

  6. sth_txs12:10 PM

    Here is some laughable drivel from LinkedIn:

    How I Hire: Look Into an Applicant's Soul

  7. Quartermain1:36 PM

    Maybe they ought to have that job interviewer at the UK electronics store dance like they used to make the "dancing" bear dance, on a hot plate.

  8. Quartermain1:50 PM

    I've always said that corporate culture was a blight on humanity and a psychopath's wet dream.

  9. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I had a interview once where I knew the interviewer was was trying to be an a-hole like your story and he had his cup of coffee right in front of him on the desk, so when I got up to leave right in the middle of the interview knowing it would not lead to a real job, I pretended to slip on the floor and fall on his desk and and whoops! There goes all the papers and files and folders all over the place and hot copy on his lap! I was really sorry it was an accident! I Swear!

  10. Anonymous4:07 PM

    What he should have done is dance his ass off, get the job, then use his position to punish management from the inside.


  11. Anonymous5:58 PM

    My comment on Mr. Chopra's article:
    Christopher Ivey
    Founder of ShareThink Ltd., Director at Koneka Inc.
    You, sir are a numbnut. This kind of silliness is tremendously corrosive.
    LikeReply2 minutes ago

  12. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I don't want a job, but sometimes I'm thinking of applying for a job just to get an interview and fool around at the inteview, go crazy, break some stuff into pieces, make funny faces and pig sounds and then leaving.

    LOL. We should start a fight back movement that way and flood the companies with foolish applicants, LOL !!!

  13. Anonymous12:08 AM

    I invented a silly dance while bored at work.

    I would love to perform it during a job interview, LOL !!!
