Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Captain Crashes a 20 Year High School Reunion

talks about how he doesn't give advice away for free...

discusses the 1960's shows "Combat!" and "12 O'Clock High"...

how Gen X hasn't matured an ounce since 1991 and make lousy bosses...

how he discovered where "divorce is made" in the suburbs...

and more!

In this latest episode of The Clarey Podcast!


  1. Having trouble with my phone. Can't seem to get my computer to recognize the SD card when I plug it in. Consequently can't load the podcasts to the phone to listen to in my car.


    Wish you would put them somewhere that I could have them delivered directly. I know it's more work for you but...

  2. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Your bit about traffic reminds me of John Pinette's "GET OUT OF THE LINE!!" routine.

    Good stuff!

  3. The Plague Doctor8:05 AM

    I think you will have a greater audience if you just uploaded the podcasts as youtube videos (with a still image)

  4. Joe Bar9:05 AM

    @heresolong, we lost sd cards in three phones on the same day. Looks like an ongoing problem with Androids!

  5. I remember both Combat! and 12 O'Clock High. They wouldn't make it very far in today's liberal society, all the killing has to be long distance and anonymous.

    I suppose it's going to be the 40th reunion of my high school, but why would I want to go hang around all those old people?
