Monday, September 09, 2013

When American Women Married Obama and Threw True American Males in the Dust

From Mark:

We seem to have reached a tipping point where future oriented people who engage in long term planning are becoming a minority. Last year 50% of all women who had babies received Medicaid assistance for the births. You have half the population having children they can't even afford. And after these children are born, the mothers are going to need further assistance to raise them. At the same time, the type of men who would pay the taxes to support all this is declining as they decrease in numbers and many of the ones left just "go Galt" as you suggest they do. These are trends that are going to continue to get worse and will lead to a massive economic decline that any rational person should be preparing for. 

Again, I cannot emphasize this enough.  Women have consistently and (i would contend) unconsciously voted to have the government replace husbands and fathers.  The consequences will be utter societal collapse.  But until that time comes, it is in men's best interests to just enjoy life, avoid responsibility, work as little as possible, not support the children they bring into the world, and live by the new rules voted in by the socialists - live off the government as much as possible.

This is not an issue of morality, but sanity and self-respect.  If women disproportionately keep voting in government and government programs to supplant men, then by all means, accommodate them to the fullest extent.

You are going to tax men more and more as they succeed?  Fine we'll scale back our production to keep ourselves at the lowest tax bracket possible.  And we can do it because we need only a mere fraction of the consumerism crap women need.  You want a battle of attrition sweet heart? We'll win it like the Soviets against the Nazi's!

You are going to ruin the quality and caliber of women via feminism, materialism, and a Big Media ass-kissing-fest, fine, we'll play, but not marry.

You want to make everything "fair" by taking money from the productive, the go-getters and innovators and giving it to the lazy, parasitic, and whiny?  Fine, we're going to take vacation instead of putting in the extra couple of hours.

Women better think about the long term economic consequences of their short term, short sighted, and completely emotional voting.  Because last I checked it wasn't a bunch of female elementary school teachers keeping the lights on as much as it was male electrical engineers.


  1. In Australia our government pays SINGLE WOMEN to have IVF and to access sperm bank donations.

    Not a huge issue, considering that at any time in a country of over 22 million people there are only THIRTY donors!
    The shortage is so bad that sperm banks are buying in from the US:

    The main reason? Our government brought in laws that say that any child has the right to know the identity of the donor once he/she turns 18. This has put men off donating BIG TIME!
    There hasn't been any cases yet, but I'm just waiting for one of the little sprites to make a claim on some wealthy donor's estate after he dies. I'll bet the media will either cover it up or you'll see sperm donations dry up (pun intended) overnight.

  2. Does anyone have a link for that 50% of births on Medicaid statistic?

  3. You seen this, Cappy? Up to 70% of Japanese males have already gone Galt.

  4. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Perhaps this is just me trying to justify something, but the fact is that I really like my toys, and even with the Federal leeches getting their blood out of me, there's still enough left over to have fun. For the (technical) work I do, it's actually somewhat hard to find a gig that pays less but still has the same challenges and opportunities to learn new shit aside from becoming a fortysomething intern somewhere like in a shitty movie.

    That said, I have taken steps to reduce my exposure to leechfuckery by moving to a state with no income tax and an unincorporated semirural area so that it has lower taxes and fees and no HOAs or heavy deed restrictions. I intend to put up solar + battery to the point that I can be self-sufficient with some scrimping and prioritizing while still being grid-tied. I'm fixing to get cheap Bernankebux to do that, so as to not deplete my savings. That should net some nice federal cheese back, to go along with my new Volt (got 7500 for the 2011, traded it in for a 2013 and another 7500, suck it taxpayers!!) which is at 5000mi and 93% electric.

    I could actually afford my current lifestyle at about 60% of my current paycheck, so I've been banking the remainder for a rainy day, and at this point I could take 2 years off if I wanted and still live comfortably. I could use some more metals and ammo, and maybe a 9mm carbine.

  5. sth_txs3:08 PM

    "Because last I checked it wasn't a bunch of female elementary school teachers keeping the lights on as much as it was male electrical engineers."

    Plus the all male technical staff that operate the heavy equipment and climb the utility poles to put it back together when it breaks whether rain, shine, heat, or cold.

  6. Anonymous3:59 PM

    The no child road is foolish, it is suicide. All of your guns and ammo and property and food and wealth is worth noting if you don't have kids. It will all pass to the enemy. I agree with most of what is said here, but not having children is a bad idea. Nobody has given me a good reason not to have them. Saying it might not work out is beyond juvenille.

  7. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Part of the problem is that the majority of these women are utterly incapable of thinking strategically, considering the long-term consequences of their actions, or dealing with facts and reality. By definition, we are dealing with low-information individuals who are distracted by various topics like miley cyrus, the kardishians, and the latest gossip.

  8. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Although I live in Australia, we are facing a similar decline to that of the USA.

    I was financially eviscerated by my previous divorce, which was years ago now and I have zero plans on "trying again". The emotional devastation has certainly scarred me, but more than anything, I was appalled by how my ex-wife was able to loot me after having put in so much effort to improve myself for a future family.

    I still earn good coin, but there's no way I'd risk it all again by becoming involved with a modern anglo woman. Not now that I earn over six figures and have been doing so for years now - and I practically own my house and have investments.

    Instead, I take two month long holidays overseas each year. In fact, I'm just about to head to the Red Sea for a two month scuba diving safari.

    I'm sure to have a lot of fun having NSA sex with backpackers, diving in some of the best waters in the world and having my holiday pay beef up my savings whilst I'm gone. The beers will surely taste good as well. They will taste like FREEDOM!

    Fuck the world. Save yourselves.


  9. Anon: "The no child road is foolish, it is suicide. All of your guns and ammo and property and food and wealth is worth noting if you don't have kids. It will all pass to the enemy. I agree with most of what is said here, but not having children is a bad idea. Nobody has given me a good reason not to have them. Saying it might not work out is beyond juvenille."

    Who cares? We'll be dead.

  10. Here's a link for you Cappy:

    As one of the comments (paraphrased) said "I'm waiting for the followup study about how the size of a woman's boobs correlates to her ability to be a better mother".

  11. All I need is some food in my belly, clothes on my back, and a pot to piss in. I don't need the latest smartphone, a fancy automobile, or the newest anything to impress people that most likely hate me.

    Good luck ladies. Hope all that partying, living it up, and sinning was worth it.

  12. "I agree with most of what is said here, but not having children is a bad idea. Nobody has given me a good reason not to have them. Saying it might not work out is beyond juvenille."

    She decides to divorce you...or demands you pay child support...while she lives it up with her new boyfriend. A guy who could care less about your kids.

    Now I agree not having kids is a bad idea...but the government has made it to where doing the right, normal thing (a stable marriage with children)...will punish you if she wants to pull the trigger.

  13. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I agree with Anonymous. There's literally no point to life without spreading life by reproducing one's traits. Anything else is piggy-backing on those who fulfilled their lives by reproducing, including our own parents. A childless life is appealing just like living in the basement of my parent's house is appealing until I'm 30. No, we must integrate reproduction into this realm. Our sons must be born, must exist, or else all of this was worthless. Childlessness is suicide by a slower poison.

  14. I have always been opposed to the idea of leeching off the government as much as possible, it was a thing of honor, to be able to support yourself without being a parasite.

    More and more I see things like an imported welfare parasite driving an Audi A6 ,2012 model,

    An imported welfare parasite fathering six kids from some woman or women, and still hanging out in clubs,

    An imported welfare parasite fathering two kids from some woman, partying while the second baby is still a month old, and getting shitloads of "likes" on his party photos from productive members of the society who are paying for this parasite,

    Again imported welfare parasites hanging in the same places for which I, working man, my friends, working men, have to allocate what's left after 40% direct, way more indirect taxation, with the shiniest clothing possible.

    Learning that the welfare king, stay at home mom and dad of four kids get fee daycare and have more money in their hands at the end of the month than my friend, hardworking father of four has; who is in a high earning bracket,

    No, after seeing that hard work at this time is pretty much idiocy, unless one really makes it into the high six digits, pays an accountant 20-30 k euros not to get assraped in taxation, the government thing seems more and more plausible.

    The one question remains.

    more honorable being a fleeced sheep,
    more honorable being the fleecing parasite...

    And unless one is totally self employed, there is no escaping the theft of tax.

    As of now, I stand on my own feet, but as much as I am disgusted by the welfare parasites that I see now, I will on the other hand understand any productive member that opts out.

    The society has chosen this.

    Reward the parasites, punish the productive.

    Fuck the parasites, but will not be angry at the productive who chose not to get assfucked, especially by women who get most of the tax income and choose to fornicate with parasites.

  15. The elite, the parasites, and women, who even have worked their whole life and payed taxes, but will get a disproportionate amount of the retirement fund, should be shit scared of what I wrote in my previous comment.

    I am one man.
    I am one man who was totally against taking government aid.
    I am one man who is about to change this way of thinking, not because I need the aid, but because I am fed up with feeling like an idiot.

    I am not alone.

    some say ten percent is enough, I say with the productive being anyway a small minority in the population, by productive I mean anybody doing something, engineers, doctors, truck drivers, farmers, etc, even a two three percent opt out ratio of productive men will do it.

    At some point I had a chance to employ someone to aid in my work. If i were to pay him 30k, it would have cost me close to 100k. Assuming that person pays taxes around 10k, a man working to earn 20k earns the government 80k directly by taxes.

    One man's work is equal to five men's income. One man opting out is equal to five parasites opting into the welfare system due to lost revenue.

    And it is coming. There are increasing reports of young people under 25 retiring on disability welfare because of psychological disabilities like feeling down...

    Why would one not?

    Working man being taxed out of 80% of his working time is a-ok, but saying that the people who have 24 hours free on their hands could for example d charity work is oppression.

    Kids with IQ of 120, kids with entrepreneurial attitudes, opting out, that is what should scare the shit out of the mentioned groups, not some hate speech.

  16. Australia is also facing a big problem with demographics in that something like 90% of small businesses are owned and run by people over 60 years old.
    Presumably these people will want to sell up and retire in the next 10 years, but there aren't enough young people wanting to take over these small companies (restaurants, small shops etc) when they could be making a safe salary working 9 to 5.
    It's so bad that the government is paying for young people to study how to manage a small business!
    With divorce being what it is, what sane man would ever go through it if they knew in advance?
    Our government is bringing in and allowing so many immigrants in because immigrants are far more likely to buy and run small businesses than people born here.
    There're also more likely to marry and have children, so they're also smoothing over the statistics for how many people aren't getting married too!

  17. Anonymous6:36 PM

    To quote another commenter "The society has chosen this.

    Reward the parasites, punish the productive."

    Yes, that's true.

    What's also true is divorce is too easy to get for both sexes, and way, way too acceptable to those in society.

    People have become coffee cups you throw away after use, the kids are resilient lie is repeated over and over to the point you almost believe it. Until you witness the damage it does to the child and the adult the child becomes.

    Irreconcilable differences is code for an affair or that it was easier to give up on trying to communicate effectively and/or change some behavior that no longer served the marriage and the goal of being a couple.

    This is true of BOTH women and men.

    This sad state of things also contributes to the goal of government control and it becoming mother and father to the children. While it sucks more taxes out in income and VAT out of both Mom and Dad's pocket. It's become very difficult to stay a single breadwinner family, if you hadn't noticed.

    It's really easy to indoctrinate children when they're in government approved daycare, school and post secondary educational institutions.

    IMO That IS the ultimate goal.

  18. Nice attempt at equivalency, but history tells the truth.

    Or put another way: If two groups have equal ability and motivation to do wrong, and one group does so vastly more than the other, what is one led to think?

  19. "Medicaid plays a key role in child and maternal health, financing 40% of all births in the United States."

  20. Medicaid plays a key role in child and maternal health, financing 40% of all births in the United States.


  21. Anonymous11:23 PM

    "Presumably these people will want to sell up and retire in the next 10 years, but there aren't enough young people wanting to take over these small companies (restaurants, small shops etc) when they could be making a safe salary working 9 to 5."

    Right now, in the city where I live, there is a TV ad running for a business for sale, out in regional NSW. They are running a TV ad to see if they can find a buyer, so they can retire.
