Thursday, October 10, 2013

And It is the Indians Who Will Suffer

I have a friend from India.  When he (and his family) came here they stocked up on electronics because, as he explained, they don't have large companies like Wal-Mart and such items can cost twice that in the US.

So you would think a country like India, with hundreds of millions of poor, would benefit greatly if a company could come in and overnight boost their purchasing power, and thus, standards of living by 20-50% (depending on which items you'd like to compare).

Well, you are right.  It WOULD benefit pretty much every Indian.  It WOULD be the single largest advancement and improvement in the world of economics this year.  But those socialists and ignoramouses are (as you would expect) attaching so many strings to Wal-Mart setting up shop, they've now scrubbed their plans to expand into India.

This is how leftists unintentionally hurt those they so hypocritically claim to want to help.


  1. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Not unintentional. If capitalism solves their problems, why would they want socialism?
    Hurting them helps the socialist cause.

  2. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Mr. Clarey, India is not easy to understand, and is certainly messy. It is a messy democracy, and America is now a police state. Most Indians love capitalism, and the controls which their governments put on capitalistic enterprises are probably not so bad as those in America (and the Indians are good at circumventing government controls by means which are not overly scrupulous). Before you say another word about things Indian, you had better inquire about steel. The US used to lead the world, but now it is Mr. Tata who rules steel. He bought out Bethlehem Steel, after all.

    Worry about America, Mr. Clarey. The Indians will take care of themselves. Unless of course you are thinking of applying to become a butler for Mr. Tata. He wouldn't take you, though - I don't believe he likes Rumpleminze.

  3. Eric B9:13 PM

    Its not so much socialism, but mostly corruption that is India's problem. Nothing happens without a bribe and their bureaucracy is so large and complex, it takes a lot of bribes.

  4. @ anon 6:38

    Aaron must have struck a nerve...

  5. Maximo Macaroni6:18 AM

    Right, Anon, the Indians are doing a great job "taking care of themselves." How many hundreds of millions or is it a bllion who still live on a dollar a day? Seventy years after independence? Who's kidding whom?

  6. Anonymous6:49 AM

    That's not really true.

    Germany has Baumart and Globus, which are Walmart competitors but operate the same way. So there is "handling of groceries" and women (German women) running the checkouts and the German men not complaining about "flirting".

    So, once again, we have a journalist writing a story about things they don't understand.

    Walmart can't get into India for the same reason they can't get into DC. Too many politicians and bureaucrats with their hands out for a payment. Zoning approval, permits, inspections, and fees that stagger the imagination. Simple tings, like waiting two years to get a telephone line approved. India has the worst combination of Asian greed and corruption blended with British bureaucracy. It crushes everything above the push-cart level of industry.


  7. Joe Bar7:28 AM

    At the bottom of the page: Wal-Mart wins in DC.

  8. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Butthurt indian detected. Indians tend to be the most racist people on earth. It's okay for indians to come to America and criticize white Americans and get them fired. But if a white person so much as even speaks a word against India, the Indians all freak out.

    Such hypocrisy.

  9. Hmmmmm....I thought this was a Redskins related post. My bad.....
