Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Defending Her MA Thesis While Applying at McDonald's

Ahhhh poetic justice.


  1. Exactly what kind of job did she think she was going to get? Or did that even occur to her?

  2. 3 Degrees4:15 AM

    Benjamin Serra Bosch becomes voice of Spain's "lost generation" after online rant about cleaning "s***" in a London cafe for a living despite having three degrees.

    despite having a degree in Journalism and Advertising and another in Public Relations from the prestigious private CEU Cardenal Herrera University. He also has a Master's degree in Community Management from the IEBS Business School.


  3. Hey, Cap - What happened to the "Schadenfreude" link list?

  4. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Yes, Andria your degrees are good for toilet paper, in case you run out of the good stuff, like Charmin. I guess Mommy and Daddy (not sure if she has a dad...) didn't explain to you to about the concept of value. Because the value of your degrees are WORTHLESS. I'd slap my kids silly for pursuing something as stupid as those degrees. In fact I wouldn't even bother to pay any of their tuition or expenses for those degrees, if I could. Oh well, enjoy your debt/indentured servant existence.

  5. Want to bet, she rants on about the evils of capitalism. "The government should provide jobs for Gender Studies graduates". And the worst part, the government does hand out employment for these people.
