Sunday, November 17, 2013

Another Successful Parochial Student

Remember parents.

Force feed Jesus down your kids' throats.

The results are great!

The money quote though:

"But Miss Desaine – who insists that all her conquests wear a condom – added: ‘I hope employers see it as a bit of fun and it shows I am more confident than the average girl."

For the Patron Saint's Name of Frick.


  1. Amethyst9:05 PM

    To be fair, this school is being run by the Church of "Only-a-Matter-of-Time-Before-We-Make-a-Tattooed-Lesbian-Our-Bishop-of-Canterbury" England. So that might have something to do with the young woman's behavior.

    Ye gads! She looks like a pan-fried poodle! No wonder she had to give it away like parade candy!

  2. Anonymous9:43 PM

    On the other hand, she is on the third year of a Computer Science course and not on her way to some Worthless Degree...

  3. I hope employers see it as a bit of fun and it shows I am more confident than the average girl.

    She can't be that deluded, can she?

  4. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Love the comments under the article. I think 90% of the 307 comments are 2 women arguing about which of the two commenters is the more moral slut...

  5. NormalGuy3:02 AM

    I doubt this had much to do with forcing Jesus down her throat.

    Most 'Christian' schools are former shadows of themselves, letting Muslims in and everyone else in between.

  6. Anonymous3:46 AM

    yes good article. I was skimming jobs and got this idea:

    when you see the word policy: ruuun !

  7. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Her ex-boyfriend must be so glad he's free of her now.
    The plus side is that, now she's won an award, it'll make it so much easier in future for guys to know she's a P&D standard.
    I went out with a girl like that who'd 'found religion' before we met and declared herself virginal again. I walked, but apparently the beta who married her waited until they were married to sleep with her. I bet it was along 18 months!

  8. "Force feed Jesus down your kids' throats."
    Is that the best you have? Some girl in a secular college who happened to go to an 'independent CoE school' and you go after religious parents?
    All it tells me is you don't know that plenty of non-religious families send their non-religious kids to parochial schools for the superior education.

  9. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Her parents must be so proud, cashing in their retirement funds to send her to college for her degree in marketing or theater.

  10. Another vote for "I don't think 'Church of England' does things the way you think they do..."

  11. Anonymous12:14 PM

    A lot of Christian Schools, over time, have become nothing more than drop-off dumps for the Demon-Seed of single mothers. These secular progressives have lost all control of their children so the church is their last ditch effort. This has been going on for the last 50 years. Slowly, but surely, day by day, the secular-progressive-pollution eventually over whelms the system. The good values that were initially taught and reenforced give way to the non-stop-policing of the raunch-culture-values, that flood the system. These schools are not to blame. Their fault is that they are naive in believing that they have the resources to make a meaningful change in these kids lives. Usually the damage is already done by the time the kid walks in the front door. Being christian and wanting to help needy, they often don't understand what they are getting themselves into. It's like feeding feral kittens, before you know it, you're surrounded by filth and fleas. This type of schooling has it's place and can do a lot of good for society as long as it get's back to doing what it does best, teaching good values to young minds.
