Tuesday, November 12, 2013

So Atheism IS a Religion!

Never understood how atheists are so adamant about being atheist.  I mean, isn't one of the biggest benefits of being an atheist that you DON'T have to go to church?  Me think they doth protest too much.


  1. Terry Pratchett, "Feet of Clay" The golem Dorfl is an athiest. "All days are Holy, or none are, I have not yet decided". If you haven't read Pratchett's discworld books you ought to. They're a great way to Enjoy the Decline! Might be the first reference to atheism as a religion.

  2. Anonymous8:09 PM

    For some reason they never make atheist synagogues or mosques. :)

  3. All the atheists I know behave not in a way that atheism is the lack of belief, but they behave in the same religious zealotry of atheism being a belief in non-belief.

    If you have no belief, you have no crusaders. I am having a hard time finding an atheist that is not crusading.

    And I don't care what PC infested wikipedia says.

  4. Ah, yes. The evangelical atheists. I've written about those guys before. Wrote a song about it, too. :)


  5. Anonymous3:01 AM

    It acquired theist characteristics the moment women flocked to it en masse.

    "When an organization becomes feminized, focus shifts from efficient production of goods and services to creation of rules for the comfort and security of women. Ossification and organizational death are inevitable."

  6. NeoWayland4:32 AM

    You haven't lived until you have an evangelical Christian and a radical atheist both trying to save you from your "folly" and the same time. After a bit they forget about you and argue with each other.

    Great entertainment.

  7. One of my pet peeves is the misuse of the word "atheist". Deriving from the Greek "a" (without) and "theos" (gods), "atheos" literally just means "without gods". That's it, no crusading, no hectoring, just living your life without any gods in it.

    These wankers - and all the evangelical "atheists" - aren't atheists at all. They're anti-theists, which is why they behave the way they do.

  8. The self-proclaimed atheists are as obnoxious as any religious fundamentalist. I think it can be called a religion in its own right.

  9. I think the idea of atheists building "churches" is fantastic1 It's wonderful! I couldn't wish for anything better for them!

    Huge, high maintenance, real estate squandering buildings that are used less than 5% of the time ( less than 8 hrs out of 168 a week )? Where is the downside to this?

    I hope they're pretty.

  10. Legion8:01 AM

    finndistan said...

    I'm an atheist because I have no faith and no crusades either. These people sound 'spiritual' to me: To lazy to practice religion and to afraid of death to be a real atheist. Yet the atheist church - lollzzlolzllolzz

  11. MilitAnt atheism and leftism go hand in hand. Its all about pseudo science, "experts" deciding for you. Replacing real charity and community with monolithic govmt which replacesg god and choice. Hence worship of great leaders - mao , obama etc.
    The pc and greenies are channeling the puritans... in their intolerant zeal.

  12. whack6:44 AM

    Well that is obviously the wrong way to go for the atheist movement.

    It is much more effective to infiltrate the church.

    As an example , the newly elected archbishop of the Swedish state church, Antje Jackelén, believes in none of the traditional christian doctrines. She is, however somewhat churchian than her predecessor, Anders Wejryd, who was more of an apostle for the church of CAGW.

    However,these are all a silly lot. With their incantations and silly hats and so on and so forth.

    Those so called atheists of yours in the north americas are obviously not of the individualistic mindset and need some sort of collective striving (A+ anyone?). At best they are weak copies of the swedish mainstream christians.

    Well, I, for one, welcome our new retarded overlords. Enjoy the decline!
