Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Best Damn Career Advice EVER

Thank you, thank you very much:


  1. Eric B3:51 PM

    Company Immediately Calls Job Applicant Upon Seeing 'B.A. In Communications' On Résumé,31669/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview%3ANA%3AInFocus

  2. Ha, Lamprey scum. I'm stealing that!

    Very astute, albeit raw, observations about the corporate grind.

  3. Thanks for wearing the Commie Obama hat on your front porch. We are nearing the day when all Americans will be out in the cold on their front porch wearing that hat...

    A little Commie Obama hat trivia for you and your readers, Comrade Captain:

    Both my blog and the hat were born from within one of America's top three mortgage companies back in 2005 and 2007 respectively. My [fat] boss was pissed about me taking the vacation time I accrued [wtf?!] to go out to China in late 2007. I went and toured the hat factory and signed the first hat/placard orders while I was out there. Came back to some harassment because - I took accrued vacation time - so I handed him my 1-week resignation in response. He has since been fired.

    Sorry to hear you are sick. Have you tried drinking more?

  4. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Dead on advice.

  5. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Okay, now I know who is that girl posting with your book "Enjoy The Decline", it is your accountant.
