Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bachelor Pad Theater - Why Black Men Can't Compete Against the Government for the Affection of Black Women

You may purchase Bachelor Pad Economics here.


  1. Eric B8:22 PM

    According to this dating site program, all races of men, including black men, prefered black women the least. Lots of possible reasons, but one might be that black women have the highest obesity rate.

  2. you should have a whishlist I want to buy you a gift!.

  3. sth_txs5:15 AM

    Not a bad spoof of Masterpiece Theatre.

  4. Just some guy5:38 AM

    When big daddy government goes broke he is gonna be the biggest deadbeat dad of all times. Gonna be a whole lot of people desperate to peddle assets.

  5. That was one of the best things you've done. That opening sequence was great - a chainsaw on the shelf! You should just rename your YouTube videos to "bachelor pad theater" and have that opening sequence as a regular feature.

    Well done, Cap. That made my morning.

  6. A certain amount of knowledge used to be passed down from black mothers to their daughters on how to appeal to men. Even if the mother didn't say anything directly, the daughter could observe the mother and see how she was able to get and keep a good provider male. You now have several generations of black women who have used the government as economic provider. Any knowledge they used to have of how to be a good wife has been totally lost. The typical black ghetto single mom of today with her obesity and insufferable personality couldn't even begin to figure out how to get a good man and is now permanently helpless without the government.

  7. That.Was.Superlative.

  8. That.Was.Superlative.

  9. Matt Wennerlund11:22 AM

    Was that a signed picture of Greenspan or Friedman at the beginning? I couldn't tell.

    Either way, looking forward to the next episode of -Batchelor Pad Theatre-

  10. Pretty funny, well done.

    Did I spy a check in that brassiere?

  11. Bought BPE and reading it as we speak. Also, couldn't help but notice the "Cowboy Bebop" poster during the pan. Great stuff!
