Saturday, January 25, 2014

How to Test for Counterfeit Silver

A very simple, but important lesson fellow economists!


  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Very interesting, but not always a reliable method. I found that my old, silver, US currency makes the "good" sound, while my newer 1 oz maple leafs sound like they're fakes. This put me into a panic because I've got a bunch of them. It turns out that's how the maple leafs sound. There are other tests using magnets, acids, weights, dimensions, specific gravity, etc., that may be more reliable. The fakes out there are getting very good. Buyer beware!

  2. Faithless Cynic1:54 PM

    A digital scale, calipers, and an ice cube can detect fakes.

    A good silver coin MUST pass dimension, weight, and ice tests. Any failure means the coin is fake.

    Measure the coin to make sure the dimensions match perfectly with published standards. US currency is within a couple of thousandths of an inch. A fake MAY be the wrong dimension.

    weigh the coin using a digital scale. The weight must match perfectly with published standards or the coin is fake.

    Lastly, hold the coin between thumb and forefinger and press it edge first into an ice cube. Real silver conducts heat so well it will "bite" in the ice cube like a saw. The coin will get cold in your hand almost instantly. This weeds out fake coins made from lead/tin alloy.

  3. Nothing happens in China that isn't either actively promoted or allowed by the Chinese government.

    The production of counterfeit legal tender by the Chinese is an
    act of war...not just economic war but an act of actual war. They are attempting to weaken and undermine the US economy and therefore the US itself. Such an act would be met with vigorous response if America still had a government that represented our society rather than one that was bought and paid for long ago.
