Sunday, January 12, 2014

The World's Most Worthless College

For the Patron Saint's Name of Frick...

An agent in the field has just found the most worthless college I've ever seen - Naropa University.  I think it even beats out Macalester and Antioch.

Get a load of the degrees they offer.

And "only" for $28,000 a year.

With all the media, not to mention my super-awesome book, BLARING the alarms about worthless degrees, you literally have to be mentally impaired or incomprehensibly ignorant to get suckered into this.


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  3. aerodawg10:13 AM

    Calling that place worthless is far too kind

  4. I'm wondering what kind of jobs they could get with those degrees. There must be something, but I can't imagine what.

  5. The funniest thing I have ever seen
    >>>Learn to read critically and write fearlessly within the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics <<<<

  6. Anonymous10:47 AM

    "Learn to read critically and write fearlessly within the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics"


  7. I think I'll go there and major in Peace studies, with a minor in Sanskrit. Then I'll achieve all of my life goals. It's what I've always wanted to do.

  8. sth_txs5:28 PM

    As a person with an environmental engineering background, I had to laugh at the environmental studies faculty.

    There was one faculty with a BS degree geology which might be worth something since it can be used for environmental related jobs. The plant ecology with genetics and biochemistry probably requires some effort. The rest of them I could not figure out their relative usefulness.

  9. OT - Is divorce a Democrat thing:

    Ronald Reagan (Rublican): divorced, however he was actually a Democrat when he got divorced.

    Bill Clinton (Democrat): Divorce pending?

    Barack Obama (Democrat): Divorce pending?

  10. To be fair, the "degrees" offered by that "college" are no less useful to the student's intellect or to the rest of humanity than, say, a degree in anything combined with "studies" from a more prestigious institution.

    Lots cheaper, too.

  11. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Infantrymen major in peace studies.

  12. "Anonymous said...
    Infantrymen major in peace studies."

    Huge ups

  13. All these "degrees" seem to be nothing more than what any normal thinking person would call a hobby. Why would somebody pay so much for something like that?

    I personally like to study french poetry and fascist philosophy (Julius Evola) but I go to the library for that.


  14. Lawdy lawdy, they couldn't train a dog..

  15. Uncle Elmer7:54 AM

    Haha. I expected to see Antioch when I opened the link but at least you paid it lip service.

  16. Anonymous8:14 AM

    If you want some place to park your carcass for a few years go to this campus. If you want to do something (aka improve your chances of getting a real job) go to a real uni and take a hard science. I know it will make you work but try it sometime!!

  17. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Ha! Do you see the righteous beard on their main page? But 3:1 male to female - that's odd.

    BA Contemplative Psychology - finally a course which makes Women's Studies look profound.

    Sanskrit is demanding to learn. I bet the Sanskrit course doesn't really teach Sanskrit.

  18. Anonymous7:15 PM

    There are a very large number of "Adjunct Professors" at that place. The definition of "Adjunct" varies but it usually means that the institution isn't paying them (much) and has no permanent relationship with them.


    I really have no quarrel with a "Naropa Institute" which charges some heavy change to rich brats to learn Tibetan and Sanskrit (I rather suspect that the Sanskrit courses are nontrivial). After all, where are our Sanskrit scholars to come from? But to call Naropa a university is a severe misuse of the word, and deceiving for the parents of little rich brats.

  19. From my observations after living in Boulder, many Naropa U. students have family money and/or a paying job already and are mainly looking for self-improvement or a second career.

  20. @Anon
    "Ha! Do you see the righteous beard on their main page? But 3:1 male to female - that's odd."

    Not remotely odd. You've touched on what has become a progressive meme. Desperately pretend that your worthless liberal arts college isn't 80% wimminz by photoshopping the only 3 vaguely masculine looking guys within a 3 mile radius into EVERY piece of publicity material you produce.

    Despite hating teh menz with every fibre of their being, Progressive Colleges know that if the sex ratio becomes too skewed (60:40 and above), women won't come either. As most liberal arts colleges are already there, this has become a focal point for the silent but most ruthlessly fought conflict of all: reality intruding upon ideology.
