Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Uh Oh! You're Going to Be Referenced in a College Paper!

A funny thing is happening, but it is a testament to how much those little collegiate kiddies are getting brainwashed in school instead of receiving an actual education.  It's happened to me three times, Matt Forney once, and I believe a handful of other people who don't come to mind right now:

A college student reads/views/hears something you said on teh interwebz and goes out of their way to inform you in a snarky tone that they are


going to cite you for their college paper as an example of "facism" or "racism" or "narcissism" or blabbity blah blah blah!!!!!

Ha!  Take that mean, adult who lives in the real world and says things that hurt my feeeeelingssssss!  I'll show you!

Oh horror of horrors.

You're going to be "cited" in

not a college term paper
not any genuine academic research
not any kind of professional academic journal

but some freshman comp or psych 101 paper or presentation by 19 year old Twiddly McGoo.

I think you can sleep soundly tonight.

Humor aside, yes it's childish, it's cute, and it's entertaining, but the only reason I bring it up is because it's something I think that will become a trend.  Realize you have little leftist ego-maniacs who think they know how the real world works and are (of course) super intelligent and educated just because they passed the 12th grade.  They are now in "college" and their leftist crusaderism is only reinforced by their professors.  They do some googling for a paper on "racism/sexism/etc." and because of the alt-right's increasing presence, we come up #1 on google.  Boom!  They have a cornucopia of material they can use in the Hate Malecapitalismfreedomprofitlibertyamerica Studies class.  But they just can't use it.  No their egos are too big for that.  They need to inform you of what they're doing.  And thus why you'll get an e-mail or post or something informing you how you will be the center of ridicule in some class in some college some place.

In any case I find it bemusingly adorable, but still wanted to let you all know what I'm seeing popping up on my radar so when/if it happens to you, you can pat the little tykes on the head.


  1. Stand Watie11:44 AM

    "Much obliged. May I also direct you to some other things I've written on the same topic, so that your paper might be more interesting? [insert links here]"

  2. The appropriate response is to make sure they use the appropriate citation style. Provide examples if you must.

  3. Harrumph!1:07 PM

    wimmins studies, gender studies, queer studies, etc., etc. generically known as "Angry Studies"

  4. r-selection, man. The mental giants it does create.

  5. Anonymous1:45 PM

    While this is harmless and ridiculous now, the mentality behind it is not. In their minds they are informing on you, and they're just practicing and working for the day when they can do it for real, the day when an immigrant-driven leftist government will take away your First
    Amendment rights.

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Anonymous, exactly its well on its way.

  6. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Print their names!

  7. Congrats, ol' boy.

    I suppose it's better than being referenced in an intelligence report on members of the Far Right in Britain, South Africa, and the US.

    :::ahem cough cough ahem:::

  8. Aaron I want some personal advice. I'm 25 black/hispanic male and recently finished a dual master's degree in econ and mathematical finance. So far, my job prospects have been abysmal. I've interviewed for 6 positions and with 2 recruiting agencies and nothing has turned up except a commission only sales gig that I went to just to practice interviewing. I feel like nobody takes me seriously and I was just put on this earth to suffer on the behalf of my "betters", chiefly (white)women and those aged over 35.

    Do you think it would be wise to pursue a PhD in Finance in Fall 2k15 or should I save my time getting sucked down the academic rabbit hole and just go to officer candidate school and enlist?


  9. It's happened to me MORE than once; I've gotten at least a dozen idiot girls emailing me telling me they're using my writing as a source for their term papers in Women's Studies or Rhetoric 101 or whatever. A few of them actually have the nerve to ask if they can interview me. Think about that: these arrogant little turds don't just go out of their way to insult me, they expect me to help them get a passing grade.

  10. "Just spell the name right, dumb@$$".

  11. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Hey, you should be proud. The number of citations a work has, for any reason, is a measure of its academic impact. Most professors would love to have students citing their useless books.

  12. Reminds me of this. I won't ever do any "interview" again. Especially since she started her "academic" paper with a complete opinion...

    "Trouble Maker (TM) is a sexist blogger on the controversial site Return of Kings and his runs his own blog This is Trouble."

    Good post, Cap.

  13. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Why not return the favour? Cite their essays as evidence for the general uselessness of most college studies. Ties in quite nicely with the 'worthless' motif that you have created.

  14. "Thanks for the free advertising! That stuff can be expensive; it's nice to know that I have boosters volunteering their time and effort on my behalf out there."

  15. Alexander8:09 AM

    So turn it around. Surely there is nothing wrong - as the author being cited - to publicly reveal the name the writer, the essay, the institution, and the correspondence?

    Vox style, make them take their baby-steps as an informant for daddy state... publicly.

  16. Apollo3:06 PM

    I agree with what some of the others have said. If they are "outing" you, "out" them right back. This sort of behaviour should not be consequence free for them.

  17. Evoken:

    Quit college. Go into the military and retire there. When you are in your thirties and are retired military, you can get a job doing anything you damned well please, being thirty-something and a retired officer.

    If the economy has completely crashed when you retire, use GI bill funding to get a two year vocational degree and make ends meet on your pension and subcontracting.

  18. Agree with apollo.

    The internet is forever. Every hiring manager doing a google search on this tard needs to see his leftist retardation.

  19. Jones7:26 PM

    I am reminded of Mojo Nixon's delivery of "it'll be a black mark, on your permanent record, and it'll be with you for the rest of your life", from "Rock and Roll High School Forever" ...

    Except instead of being delivered by someone even half as cool as "The Spirit of Rock and Roll", it's being delivered by the paste-eating kid with bad acne.

    Now these little slightly-grown-up shits who wished they were Hall Monitors or something want to build dossiers on you, starting with Plausibly Official Academic Citations.

    As far as I'm concerned, they can roundly go fuck themselves. I agree with Anonymous @ 2:51 -- let's go full Spirit of Rock & Roll on these little bleeders and publish their names.

    That way, sometime in the future when there's a hiring manager who's sitting on the fence, he can read what intellectual wankery this person put forth and say, "Wow, thanks Captain Cap, without having this bozo blamed and shamed, I might have hired him to do something useful, but of course now I know he'd never be able to do the job!"

  20. I'm with Southern Man on this one. Insist that they correctly cite you. When the graduate assistants are reading this paper, maybe they'll be interested enough to check it out. Another win.
