Monday, February 24, 2014

Americanthinker "Malware" False Positive

Been getting reports from Chrome users that Cappy Cap is blocked because we link to Americanthinker and it is a known malware site.  I believe this is a "false positive," but if anybody else is getting these warnings please let me know.



UPDATE - I deleted the American Thinker link from my blogroll.  Let me know if you still get it.


  1. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Tested on Chrome and Firefox and you're fine.

  2. Your blog just gave me the same notice about malware that mine used to; my blog no longer sends out that notice because I just removed every link I had to American Thinker (had the site listed on my favorite links on a sidebar), while still keeping the quote I used and crediting them. I'll put the link back up once the American Thinker site fixes the problem. I just noticed the malware post about 1 hour ago.

  3. PeppermintPanda9:17 PM

    I have been prompted to download "apps" for my android phone on several conservative blogs lately; and I suspect that they have been "hacked" or someone has exploited their comment system.

    Google has (probably) responded to this by blocking these blogs.

  4. Anonymous9:21 PM

    I am having your page blocked by Google Chrome. Moscow, Russia

  5. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Yep. I just got the warning. But I'm not worried, because I don't use Windows.

    Where in Florida are you going to be?

  6. I got the warning page at Thinker in Firefox, but not here.

    Lemme go back and check.....

    [Tempus fidgits]

    Still get it there.

  7. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Yes its a problem. As its loading your page it exits out to warn me of bad software on the website.

  8. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Norton flagged it as "a known attack site" when I went there just now. A big red pop up covered my screen. I don't get those often.

  9. They put up a blog post explaining what happened: AT was hacked Monday - fake warnings generated
