Saturday, February 15, 2014

Our Affirmative Action Military - Cherish Byers

Cherish Byers, class A affirmative action cunt.


  1. Anonymous12:40 AM

    I love how they keep calling her an "Airman"...

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    'If any' punishment will be done. Of course the irony is imagine a male solider 'kissing' some blowup doll or store manikin, he'd be out so fast.

  3. If you have a daughter, you should suggest she follow Aaron,s advice about getting 20 years in the military first, if she isn't going to have children.

    A split can get away with murder, and retire at flag rank these days.

  4. The good thing about how incompetent and pathetic the liberals have made the military is that when they try to use it on the people we'll actually have a chance.

  5. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Y u be hatin on Cherishia
    she be keepin it reelz yo yo yo
    keeeek keeek keeeek!

  6. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Cappy Cap'n,

    However cuntish Airman Byers' behavior is, perhaps you could dedicate a separate post to our magnificent military's quest to find the greatest possible mismatch with some remote backwards tribe, spend a long time, $Trillions and tens of thousands of lives lost on our side and withdraw upon accomplishing absolutely nothing.
