Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Conservative Female Porn

At any time, you men have it within your ability to turn this around.


  1. Oh, sweet Jesus, I hit 1:33 and damn near fell out of my chair laughing my ass off. Everyone at work is staring at me now.

    Watching you and Kathy tongue-bath each other is amusing me greatly, since she pays the rent by writing flamebait articles on what losers single underemployed men who watch anime and play video games are.

  2. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Nice one Cap'n! Is this giving a subtle allusion to Carey Wedler by any chance?

    She's Adam Kokesh's girlfriend and she just jumped on the pseudo-Libertarian bandwagon and already has thousands of male orbiters following her on FB.

    It's disgusting.

  3. Atlas Shrugged is fairly entertaining ... just skip the Radio Speech.

    It literally takes a full hour to read that speech out loud.

  4. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Hi Cap,

    While I am NOT a big fan of the women you are talking about, I think that its great that these women exist. I don't think its a good idea for you or anyone else on the side of liberty to be ripping on them.

    Are they the great minds of the movement? No, but they still can serve a valuable purpose. There are many people out there who may have never heard these ideas before. Worse still, many have been told crazy lies about our ideas, making them not open to hearing about them from, say, you.

    You put a cute/pretty girl as the front person. With her neotenous face, higher voice, and perky boobs, she is less threatening and more inviting. They can act as a gateway drug to liberty. Some people may not be ready to do hard lines of Cappy Cap just yet.

    Someone could start out watching some cute girl talk about the basic ideas of economic freedom, think it sounds interesting and afterwards they my want to learn more. They then could start reading and studying the harder, less fluffy stuff.

    The more people who embrace right-thinking ideas, the better. Also, its not like we can really afford to be turning on our potential allies with the county as messed up as it is. If some cute/pretty girl wants to make videos advocating free markets and low, non-invasive taxes, more power to her.

    Anyway, keep up the (mostly) good work.


  5. I don't want to see your tits, Aaron.

    But yea, they are rare birds ... Just reward them for being on the right side with a little attention, and move on.

    Blue pill betas are everywhere, even on the right.
