Friday, May 23, 2014

Soviet Toy Store

Yea, what fun.

Only liberals deserve such misery.


  1. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Unrelated, and sad.

    Where was her father?

  2. Jumpsuit6:03 PM

    One standard Russian joke is to call the KGB "Adult's World" due to its proximity to Children's World.

  3. TroperA3:33 AM

    Anonymous, her Dad was in jail. And her mom shuffled in a revolving door of drug-abusing bad boy boyfriends to teach the girl the virtues of using her body to get what she wants.

    I'm not saying all girls can't handle a career in porn, but most look upon it as a quick way to gain fame and money without realizing (until it's too late) that Nature (or the girls one used to hang out with in high school) abhor a whore and will hurl abuse at her.

  4. Phil Galt6:27 AM

    *shrug* It doesn't seem to bad to me considering the time period. I see tool kits, chemistry sets, and toy jets for the boys.

    granted I am seeing a lot of dolls....

  5. True: this was after all the flagship store in Moscow. Things were probably a lot grimmer in the provinces.

    And I wouldn't be too hard on the average Rooskie. They had very little choice in their government, and still do.
