Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Best Quote in the History of The Clarey Podcast

"I've hit upon a splendid combo:  I listened to your podcast whilst watching porn with the volume turned down, standing in the kitchen doing shots."

You too can tune into The Clarey Podcast by visiting the archives here.


  1. leeholsen2:32 PM

    i dont even want to ponder in what order each was added as a good add to make that moment better.

  2. You should be ashamed of yourself. Come on, honestly, what do you think you're gaining - w/ the trite comments? Who are you living before? Yourself? You're getting: ): a mad face. (A lot of other commentary is brilliance, equaling (: a glad face, of course); not in this instance.

  3. Oh come on lighten up! This isn't the freaking View!

  4. leeholsen6:06 PM

    fine, i'm a prude or an overtightened conservative or one step away from making a really good baptist, but i stand by my comment; something in that combo makes bad images that i think i might see if i stepped foot in alabama.

  5. Great Mises, Captain, where did all these pantywaists come from.

  6. Great Mises, Captain, where did all these pantywaists come from?

  7. Daniel_ream:

    Posting anything in the manosphere tends to draw the attention of religious redpill/marriage shamers, and the occasional neo-nazi twit.

    Part of the territory.
