Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Night Constitutional

Stay frosty, boys.  Stay the freak frosty.

Some outstanding charts from Susan Walsh.  My favorite is the chart showing a near-zero interest from women in hooking up or looking for sex, but a booming interest in dating.

New sponsor "Confessions of an Online Hustler"

Indian accounts of tornadoes pre-colonial days.


  1. SM7776:40 PM

    The Lucky Lothario sure lucked out there.

    Why date a feminaz....err, woman in Amerika anyway? I mean you won't even need to bother with that after a further decline in the US and there's always women outside this country.

    My question: Just what is the percentage of mentally stable women left? What is the probability of finding one in 21st Century Amerika?

    No, don't "save the date", get rid of it............

  2. Cheers for the linkage.

    Despite the warnings I never seriously considered that I'd end up in that kind of situation.

    I'm seeing an Aussie chick at the moment who's pretty feminine and was even making fun of those "don't rape" posters. She'd be a keeper but she's headed back home in a week or so. I'd been at hers that morning, hence From Heaven to Hell.

  3. My question: Just what is the percentage of mentally stable women left? What is the probability of finding one in 21st Century Amerika?

    In answer to both questions: < 5%
