Thursday, July 24, 2014

A New Cappy Cap Book Babe!

We have the good fortune of having another pretty young lady willing to grace this ugly blog with her beauty, providing some much-needed scenery amongst all the charts and data.

There are more to come, but in the meantime buy Bachelor Pad Economics chicks!

(Also, any girls interested in modeling with the Ole Captain's books, please let him know.  You get the books for free and, well, that's about it).


  1. SM7773:35 PM

    Now that's advertising!

  2. beta_plus3:45 PM

    Wow - there is something about her that takes my breath away.

    She also doesn't look like she was born in the United States. EE girl?

    Or is there a secret part of America where girls like her still exist?

  3. Hair Slicked Back With Swag So Fresh5:32 PM

    It's because she's not fat.

  4. Sweet mother of god!

  5. Anonymous10:38 PM

    You're going to get me in trouble with my wife ;-)

    I tell her that I read your blog for it's erudite and cogent commentary on economics. Now she'll just accuse me of ogling the babes on your site ;-)

  6. I bet her smile is AWESOME.

  7. A.B. Prosper3:18 PM

    Ahh, made my day.Thanks.
