Saturday, July 19, 2014

Respect the "Weasel Whiskey"

From Mr. Aurini who drinks the swill known as Wisers Weasel Whiskey:


  1. Have it with a cigar.

    Once the cigar rapes your mouth, you can't taste the difference.


  2. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I have a rule. I don't hold purses. In the event of a genuine emergency, I will retrieve a purse, if, for example, it contains the necessary insulin, snake venom, or epi-pen to counteract the emergency. In this case, the handle is wrapped around the purse and the purse carried like a football while running to the site of the drama.

  3. Jane the Grad Student11:50 AM

    No, he's only hiding the evidence of his compromise, in effect, adding one compromise to another. REAL "uncompromising" would have been A)handing it right back to her, or B) finding a way to own the move (either gay-and-fabulous or secure-in-his-masculinity could work here).
