Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Only Way to Close the Wage Gap

Language warning:


  1. I'm not going to watch this video, since I'm at work, but if the answer isn't "Close the effort gap"...I'll be disappointed.

  2. Anonymous1:06 PM

    That was beautiful, and long overdue. I love these rants.

  3. Appeals to better nature only work if the person has a better nature.

    Lazy people will keep voting for free shit.

  4. Anonymous12:07 AM

    the problem is that they are already pushing "women into/forcing women onto" the "STEM related" industries. female centric affirmative action is rampant in STEM, in both academia and industry and it has a seriously deteriorating effect.
    it hurts:
    -men, because they are displaced/forced out by less deserving and less capable women, the whole education system is set up to disadvantage and drive out males
    -the few deserving and capable women because you can't distinguish them from the hordes of affirmative action cases
    -the industry itself, decreased productivity, higher costs, increasing bureaucratization, being sucked dry by the myriad of parasites
    -everyone who is not a parasite: governments spend (and force others to spend) a huge amount of money to push women in to stem

    most scholarships and grants are female only or at least highly biased in favor of women (even if there is a much more qualified male), there are unofficial/unwritten quotas forced on organizations to hire women.
    these unofficial affirmative action "taxes" are one of the main things that drive away meaningful, value producing industries to asia.

  5. Aaron I love your work and I have a doozy of a story of just how messed up the people in America are today. I have a friend who is dating a girl in her 30s who has just taken out student loans and is going to study 'food and beverage' science at unlv. I guess you need a degree to be a waiter now.

  6. Anonymous1:13 PM

    As a woman who majored in STEM and has a career in STEM this is excellent advice. ONLY for women that enjoy and have an aptitude for STEM fields. I do not encourage anyone, male or female, to get into these fields unless there's a strong interest--i.e. if you don't enjoy STEM hobbies, don't like being around science folks, then STEM isn't the career for you.

    I am treated fairly at the workplace because I fully expect to do my share. I am not a workaholic but I am a member of a team. If that means overtime, I'm coming in/staying late like everyone else is. I tackle difficult problems when needed; I do not pass them onto someone else. I treat people with respect whether you are the CIO or the janitor. I am respected in return. Sure their are jerks once in a while, but everyone, male or female sometimes deals with that; it isn't a gender issue and not a reason to cry to HR.

    My only compliant is as a previous commenter already stated, the capable women get lumped in with the lazy ones. At a new workplace, male colleagues are often very skittish, afraid that I'll interpret anything they do in a bad light. With a bit of effort, I overcome that bias pretty quickly. When a project ends, or there's a reduction in force, it does take me longer to find a new position than my male colleagues.

    Generally the best success in finding a new position, whether one is male or female, is because a prior co-worker, supervisor, etc. knows my character and work ethic refers me. Of course, I am happy to do the same when I am able.
