Sunday, August 24, 2014

We Don't Need No Stinking Fathers

You just have to read the last question.

By all means gentlemen, please be absent in your child's life.  We need a constant supply of strippers, porn stars, and escorts.  And ladies, please, by all means, choose men to procreate with that will be absent in your daughter's life.  We need her to grow up insecure and with daddy issues so that we don't have to work too hard to get some play.


  1. Ra's al Ghul5:20 PM

    Its not just that they chose men that will be absent.

    They often actively try and keep the father's away

  2. Richard Cranium6:56 PM

    Such a lovely girl I'm sure her dad's proud. Oh wait...

    I almost feel sorry for the beta simp that's gonna finance the upgrades. I'll bet the house that he won't even get to test drive them.

  3. The government conspires with and enables mothers to eliminate fathers.

  4. Take The Red Pill6:41 AM

    It's sh*t like this that makes me glad I never married nor fathered children, and went MGTOW before there was such a thing as MGTOW.
    When young men nowadays are questioned as to why they're not married or not fathers, they should point to this.

    Remember: "ALL women say that they are not 'like that' -- especially the ones that ARE."

  5. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Cripes...Club 77. That place has always been known as a more "hands on" strip club.

    I wish I could find the article, but about 5 years ago I read that human trafficking from outside Canada for strip clubs was not really a problem in Quebec. There was plenty of home grown talent to work the poles.

  6. Anonymous1:42 PM

  7. Usagi Yojimbo2:29 PM

    Fake breasts are the biggest turn off I can think of outside of being fat.

    Kind of cute, but the milage on her has to be in the mid to upper 6-digits. Off my list.

  8. Fuck. Just...


    How depraved. How little respect a person must have for themselves to become a human dumpster like that.

    25 guys?

    Where is she finding these guys? Where is THEIR respect for themselves?

    Bunch of fucking animals.

  9. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Yeah just what the world wants to see, some greasy Canadian metrosexual (all the Quebec guys look that way) putting the wood to that cut dumpster
