Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New Book Babe

It is once again that time where we have to leave economic charts and graphs and instead look at pretty girls posing with my books.

I know, I know.  I don't like it any more than you do, but we're going to "have to" look at this Chicagoan beauty.  I promise, we'll get back to the charts and graphs shortly, but in the meantime this HAS TO get done.

Also, for any of you ladies out there that want to become a Book Babe it's very simple.  Contact me and I'll send you free books.  Your pictures help brighten the days a thousands of men across the world who appreciate old school, traditional beauty.


  1. Sort of off topic:

    The top porn search for the state of Wyoming is "Smoking", according to ebaumsworld.

    Damned if I know why.

  2. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Beautiful! Sexy, not slutty.

  3. Anonymous1:34 PM

    No offense and I appreciate the effort, but old school beauty usually doesn't include being covered in awful tattoos.

  4. Anonymous2:14 PM

    In her hands.... is that a book or a Quality certificate?

  5. Confirmed. My day was brightened.

    And a Chicago girl too? Oh my.

  6. Word up wid that!

  7. Anonymous12:33 AM

    I agree with thenoisyrogue - slut tattoos do NOT make classic beauty ...

    Phil B
