Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Why Tesla Never Married

Amazing.  Jaw dropping prescience. Over 100 years ago and Nikola Tesla was more or less accurately predicting what is happening today. 


  1. leeholsen7:59 AM

    i second a lot of that. for instance, there's a really atrractive woman that walks her dog daily on my street; but has a tattoo on one of her entire arms; maybe i'm out of touch; but i would think most men would not find that attractive; but this what societies do as they fall; women become unattractive and trashy(i hear more swearing from women than men) and men get kicked to the curb.

    i'm about 2 years waya from completely giving up on american women and going foreign.

  2. nate w10:06 AM

    just condense the whole thing to one word: alimony. Einstein lost his house and even his frickin Nobel prize money to it. We have met the enemy, and it is women.

  3. Faithless Cynic3:08 PM

    Men should never marry a feminist. Anyone who dons a pillowcase with eyeholes and preaches hatred for Blacks and Jews will be condemned. Go back to your trailer park and smoke more meth, Cletus! On the other hand, feminism preaches hate for the male half of the human race and most people think it is EMPOWERING and HEROIC. What Bullshit.

    Question for Feminists: How can you preach hate toward half of the population and not expect them to hate you in return? Has this ever happened in history?

  4. I knew Tesla was a brilliant inventor. It is a revelation to me that he had such insight into the nature of women. Usually, he is type cast as socially awkward.

  5. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Tesla liked pigeons. Really, really, really liked pigeons. He used to bring them back to the hotel room where he lived. He took care of them, doted on them. One pigeon was mighty special. He said, "I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me. As long as I had her, there was a purpose to my life."

    I'm not suggesting anything untoward took place between him and his pigeon(s). But it shows that perhaps his indifference toward female companionship was part and parcel of his many eccentricities. He seems to have found happiness billing and cooing with the pigeons instead of the chicks.
