Friday, October 24, 2014

The Black Man's Guide Out of Poverty

I was interviewed by Kerry Lutz recently and made the announcement and title of my next book official.  I'm going to aim to have it done by Christmas selling season, but that's about to start in a week.  Regardless, should be ready before Christmas.


  1. The Progressives in this country will fight you tooth and nail on this. The last thing they want to see are large numbers of blacks lifted out of poverty. That's what keeps the confiscated wealth flowing into the Progressive's coffers. Can you imagine so many government bureaucrats and Non-Profit drones having to get real jobs where the have to produce, like, something of value? They'd be begging in the streets

  2. Good luck on the new book, Cappy.

    Here's something you may want to check out to get a feel for your prospective audience: Sway in the Morning on Shade 45 Sirius satellite, weekday mornings. Its oddly compelling. Opened my eyes as to how far removed from pop culture I'd become. And Sway's an interesting guy: a hip hop DJ and the protective father of a teenage daughter. That's a tough balancing act to pull off.

  3. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I will buy it, but We need a real MGTOW Book, someone needs to provide this one day.

  4. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I am really looking forward to this. It'll be my christmas present to me from me.

  5. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Call it "Any Mans Guide out of Poverty, Black or White"
    Then they can't accuse you of an -ism.

  6. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Robert is right they will fight tooth and nail... Think of all the free publicity! The more they squawk, the more they lose, and you win.

  7. I think you are going to get a lot of this: "Wow.... just wow"

  8. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Cool, but that is kind of anti-white. At least help your own brothers out first.

  9. @Anonymous: Think of all the free publicity!

    Yes, the Cap will be declared a racist by rich white liberals for daring to speak to the Black Experience in America. He is just trying to trick poor blacks into coming out from under the poisoned talons ... sorry ... I mean, protective wings of the Progressive State. If the NY Times or MSNBC declare Cap to be racist, then his book sales will skyrocket and he'll be In Like Flint.

  10. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I hope this book is a huge success. Ironically, the blacks that are the most impoverished are the least likely to have the ability to read it.

  11. Good luck with the upcoming book. I imagine it'll be a bit of a rehashing of a good bit of the content in your previous books, but with a focus on problems and concerns black males encounter. I'm curious to see how it'll turn out and how it'll be received.
