Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Father Could Not Be Reached for Comment

Again, I'm always concerned about whether the advice I give is dated because its origins come from the 80's and 90's.  Then I see this and that she has two children that will continue to wreak psycho behavior well into the future and I know that the future of my career is secure.  The world will desperately need Asshole Consulting well into the future.


  1. Mother of two. Mother of two. Dammit I don't have any kids at all.

  2. TroperA4:23 AM

    The Facebook comments on that page make me sad. Seriously, the "DUURRRR YOU CANT JUGE HER, APPEARANCES DONT MATTER" mindset has got to go. Standards exist for a damn good reason, mostly to weed out those with poor impulse control and low future time orientation. Face piercings and neck tattoos on a woman is--like the bright coloring on a poisonous tree frog--Nature's sign that you should stay away...

  3. Anonymous5:08 AM

    thanks for the link my favourite part was her response to being asked to cover them: "But I’d look ridiculous"

    yes because you don't look ridiculous with all of those tats. lol


  4. Anonymous5:22 AM

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  5. Tumilty....wasn't that, or near like it, the name of one of the historical suspects in the Jack the Ripper case...
