Thursday, October 16, 2014

Today's Self Employed Office Brought to You In Part By

Taleo Brass Ring - Yes, we know you gave us your resume.  Yes, we know we have parsing technology.  But we want to see if you'll jump through these hoops like a good little monkey so we know we can take advantage of you later.  Taleo Brass Ring, making life hell for job seekers.

and by

Diversity Training - Do you do your job well?  Do you work hard and produce?  Do you go that extra mile?  Well fuck you, you're still a racist sexist!  And we're going to remind you every year.  Diversity training, treating adults like children because socialists need to brainwash you.

and by

Meetings - Yes, you have important work to do, but we need you to sit in a room while middle aged incompetents blather and act like they're leaders.  Sit there, be quiet and listen to things that have nothing to do with your job, all while wasting precious time that could be used to expedite your job.  By the way, you need to come in on the weekend to make up for this lost labor.  "Meetings" - it's how idiots manage!

Anyway, just wanted to show you guys my office view today:

Oh, and for any of my ex bosses, please feel free to post what the view looks like from your office!  I love pictures of cubicles and parking lots!


  1. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Gotta love some meetings. We had a cookout at our building last Friday and, after it was over, the chick who organized it wanted to have a "close out" meeting to discuss "lessons learned." Not sure how much adults need to discuss grilling hot dogs. SMH....

  2. Lake Nokomis? Good for you, Cap.

  3. I know Tim Ferris has his quackery to answer for, but he did observe that companies usually have meetings because they are unable to actually masturbate. This week has been full of meetings. All but one have met his description.

  4. With all of the hoops that these asshole employers are making us jump through to even be considered for a job it is forcing many of us into self employment as a result whether we like it or not

  5. Most meetings I've been in have been a complete waste of time. To make it worse I usually had real work to do.

    It's so frustrating sitting there actually wanting to be productive knowing you could actually be working on something that would help the company instead your listening to someone give boring speeches

  6. Anonymous7:04 PM

    The irony is that being brought up in poverty, you took finance classes in hopes that it would teach you the rope and you would strike it rich.

    Then you got disappointed when it did not make you rich and when you realised that you had to brown nose your way to the elusive top, you walked away from regular employment and the corporate life.

    Now, you are completely free and own your own self. You don't earn as much income but you are the master of your own destiny.

    The only beef I have against you is that you think the world owes you an opportunity and that it's all private employer's fault.

    It's their own privately owned business and they can do with it what ever they damn please. You keep saying "irregardless of the outcome" and then you complain about the outcome when you are given the short end of the stick.

    The outcome of privately owned business is that private owners do what they want with their business and people like you are disadvantaged.

    Make your own opportunity.

  7. leeholsen8:09 PM

    very jealous.

    today,while you enjoyed fall; i took about 20 minutes off all day to gobble down lunch and was told by my supervisor that my work on a project was unacceptable because it did not include the changes i was given today and the only way i couldve made those changes was to be a freakin mind reader because i wasnt notified about them before today. (i dont call in sick enough to this freakin job)

  8. Phil Galt6:04 AM

    That masturbation thing described most meetings I've attended at a certain tech mega-corp that has "Texas" in the name....

  9. Take The Red Pill8:47 AM

    leeholsen: "...was told by my supervisor that my work on a project was unacceptable because it did not include the changes i was given today and the only way i couldve made those changes was to be a freakin mind reader because i wasnt notified about them before today."

    I would bet that your supervisor is female (an AA hire, at that) or a mangina, as 'being able to read their mind' is a prominent aspect of female thinking (esp. leftist/feminist ones) no matter what the situation, professional or personal.
    And they wonder why so many men have had their fill of woemyn to the point that they GTOW.

  10. Meetings

    Yup. It seems fairly obvious now that "productivity" and "satisfying customer needs" aren't very high up on the priority list of most organizations these days.
