Monday, November 03, 2014

Conservative Idiots Who "Protest the Vote"

My brief and curse-laden political analysis for 2014;


  1. Excellent. Great analogy to cancer and the option of chemo.

    Redistributing this at Ushanka now.

    My fingers are crossed that the pre-election analysis is correct and we get to delay the doom for a while. I need to sell a few more Commie Obama hats before the private sector is outlawed.


  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Also, guns. GOP squishes are the only reason they're still legal.


  3. Stephan F5:40 PM

    Not voting, or voting for the same losing 3rd party, is an unwise waste of my vote and I will not waste it again (and neither should you, so keep reading).

    Peter Schiff had it right recently when speaking to a group of Libertarians at a convention in Connecticut. He told them (and I paraphrase) “you guys don’t understand that the average voter will not pull the lever for the guy on the ballot with the ‘L’ letter. The only chance at winning and therefore the only logical alternative is to run as a Republican.” I agree. Libertarians must co-op the Republican Party because this is the only place available to us where political power resides. Not voting or making a useless 3rd party vote accomplishes absolutely nothing…nada…zippo. It won’t send a message to Washington because politicians could care less about non-voters or minor parties.

    We must do whatever it takes to stop this suicidal journey toward totalitarianism. If we don’t immediately reverse direction away from tyranny and toward liberty very soon we’ll never get another chance. The Democratic-Socialist-Progressive agenda must be defeated, regardless of who gets the credit or which party claims victory. I’d rather have a shot at the possibility of a Libertarian society in 10 to 20 years by voting for a republican today than risking the high probability of a zero chance of ever having a libertarian society by voting Libertarian (or not voting) and allowing the progressives to keep & build their power.

    If you don’t vote, or vote 3rd party (the guaranteed loser), you’ll gain absolutely nothing and possibly allow yet another pure statist to get his hands on the levers of power which just makes things worse. We must do whatever it takes to prevent certain individuals who espouse the philosophy of slavery and who desire political power to keep them from obtaining that power. Today we find ourselves in a defensive struggle. The offensive action will just have to wait for a better day. We must stop the (real) bad guys. We must stand by & support the most likely winning candidate who opposes the pure statist candidate (Democrat), no matter what their party affiliation.

    Sorry ideological purists, but there just is no other way.

  4. Torgo6:59 PM

    I was inspired today to donate to the Republican Governor or Michigan Rick Snyder, as purely a protest statement against Democratic Lieutenant Gov. candidate Lisa "Vaginagate" Brown.

  5. Anonymous7:46 PM

    You have to vote, even if you don't like any of the candidates.

    Otherwise, somebody could use your vote for ballot box stuffing...

  6. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Your personal vote is unlikely to make a difference - if it were that close it will be litigated anyway. Few districts are competitive and an LP vote will be viewed as a vote for liberty. If you look at Kansas it is clear independent candidates can win.

    You could also spend the time doing something constructive like work and donate the proceeds to a candidate or organization.

  7. I can remember back when The Spearhead was still alive.

    Myself and Keyster were practically the only ones trying to get readers to vote Rep.

    I was told "Both parties are screwed!" more times than I could count.

    Many of them seemed to regard not voting as a badge of honor.

    It eventually became clear to me that this attitude was actually just another poisonous product of liberalism.

    Remember how uncool it was to vote back when you were in high school just because your crusty old government teacher said you should do it and because you knew everything?

    Well as liberalism stunts people intellectually and emotionally you start to get guys who still think that way about voting on into their late 20's and beyond.

  8. If the Republicans would actually start running believable candidates, I'd consider going back to them. But they let people like Michael Bloomberg and Arlen Spectre, Mitt Romney, etc run under their banner.

    Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress in the early 2000's, and gave us the largest expansion of mediscare up to that point.

    Newt's "Contract With America" in the '94 election gave us the WTO.

    They have no credibility. Not even in "slowing socialism by 80%".

  9. "If you don’t vote, or vote 3rd party (the guaranteed loser), you’ll gain absolutely nothing and possibly allow yet another pure statist to get his hands"

    So, which Republican presidential candidate in the past 30 years hasn't been a "pure statist"? Every one of them have been.
    McConnell or Grimes, both are pure statists. Voting for either is a vote for bigger government and less freedom.
    People would be better off if they stopped drinking the Kool Aid and realized that the Republicans are just as progressive and big government loving as the Demorats.
    Yes, the military is a big government socialist program. Invading the world is a big government progressive program.

  10. @Stephan F

    "I agree. Libertarians must co-op the Republican Party because this is the only place available to us where political power resides. Not voting or making a useless 3rd party vote accomplishes absolutely nothing…nada…zippo. It won’t send a message to Washington because politicians could care less about non-voters or minor parties."

    That must be why Ann Coulter has her panties in a twist about voting for Libertarians. Also, she's not the only "R" to act that way.

    I really like Schiff and respect his opinion, I just disagree that co-opting the Republicans is the only viable strategy.

    If the Republican in question is going to increase freedom and liberty e.g. Justin Amash, I'm going to vote for them.

    If the Republican in question is someone like Mike Huckabee, who is effectively a socialist conservative, no way.

    My opinion of course.

  11. Stryker11:04 AM

    Exactly. The political nihilism exhibited in portions of the manosphere seriously causes me to question whether it hasn't been infiltrated by the left in order to nullify it's political clout.

    Ive seen a number of articles by prominent bloggers (whom I respect) that urge us not to vote or participate in the political system. This is dangerous advice for a number of reasons.

    1.Your vote makes a difference in local elections.

    2. Your vote makes a difference in state and local referendums and ballot initiatives. Here in CA. we have voted down some really, really bad stuff.

    3. Our enemies and political opponents vote, and encourage like minded people to vote. We give these votes more sway when we don't nullify them with our votes.

    4.Politicians are all about the power. When they lose their positions en mass like they did yesterday, it sends a clear signal to both parties.Ultimately job security and power trump whatever bullshit leftist ideology they are pushing.

    5.Three or four election cycles of landslide victories for alternating sides will increase the public's dissatisfaction with the two party system and will open up the very real threat of a third or even a fourth party. The more they screw their constituents the angrier people are.

    I greatly enjoyed the dour and glum election coverage by the MSM yesterday. What a contrast with the gleeful coverage of Obama's election. It's an ugly morning in Democratic land today, and you can bet they are already in meetings discussing this fiasco and how to 're-focus' their message.
