Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wednesday Linkage

This is true when you hike mountains.

Aurini comes up for air!


  1. Is there a website or a book that has a clear definition of what is to be a Libertarian? Seems to me that every Libertarian has his own definition. I like the independence of mind and action part of Libertarianism but I find conflicting ideas all the time.

    Communists also had this problem during the Stalin years. On a typical day it was ok to eat oatmeal as an example and every Commie went around extoling oatmeal. The next day oatmeal was called Fascist or Capitalist and the Commie had to instantaneously learn to loathe and forbid oatmeal.

    I am currently reading "Hollywood Party" by Kenneth Lloyd Billingsley and the mental gymnastics required by a Hollywood devotee of Communism is stunning. Hate the Nazis, we are aligned and love the Nazis, we hate the Nazis all in a few years. Not one of these people had a mind off his own. They were forbidden as they took orders directly from Moscow.

    Before the war was over the Communists through a French writer's treatise in a French publication in Spring 1945 announced on direct orders from Stalin/Moscow that the US is now the enemy as Hitler was about to fall so a new enemy had to be exposed and created. The Cold War was deliberately started by Moscow and well before people think it started.

  2. You might start with Charles Murray "What it Means to be a Libertarian". That said, as with any philosophy of any sort, there will be a different interpretation of every area for each person.

    A definition that basically comes from John Stuart Mill says that the only legitimate function of government is to protect you from force and protect you from fraud.

  3. Cap,

    Quick question. Any particular strategy that would work for getting in shape for hiking mountains? I am thinking about trekking in the Himalayas in a couple years (I will be 50 later this year), I'm in pretty good shape (I routinely run four miles and have a first degree brown belt in Taekwon Do), but I don't do a lot of hiking. Is the advice along the lines of "start hiking more"? That's what I would figure but thought I'd bounce it off you.
