Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Glorious Karl Suffers a Heart Attack

Glorious Karl of "Glorious Hat" fame recently suffered a heart attack. 

He is "alright" but if you wanted to help Karl I know that he was stressed with the entrepreneurial endeavor he took by selling "Glorious Hat."  He's trying to get rid of his inventory so consider purchasing Glorious Hat as a way to help out a vet, a conservative, and a true American this Christmas season.


  1. Thanks comrade captain. But please, just buy a hat if you want to make liberals cry. It works.

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Heart attack not Glorious.

    Hat en route. Been wanting one for a while, thanks for the impetus.

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    It says on the website that the hats cost just much as an ounce of silver does. Silver is like $16 right now.

  4. Thanks Sean.

    Anon, good catch. The hat site has gone dormant (still works! just no changes in over a year). Stay tuned for a new hat site and new pricing.
