Friday, December 26, 2014

This Week in Stupid

There is no future in this country.  Just a lot of really, really, REALLY, dumb kids.


  1. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I wonder what will happen to these said kids when the education bubble bursts....

  2. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Sigh. Only one commenter talked about all the money "Recycledstardust" would have to pay to get the degree, but that commenter says to switch the degree. No one talking about not going to college. Recycledstardust must be one special snowflake. Did not leave a comment, agree with Denniger that it seems pointless to explain things to stupid people.

  3. The moniker alone, "RecycledStardust", tells you about the original commenter.

  4. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Why do you never show us "this week in smarts" ?

  5. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Stop blaming the children. The commentor is only brainwashed to believe that because his parents, the school system and society told him too. You cant really blame RecycledStardust (RS) for honoring his mother and father. Children can now be declared mentally ill for asking reasonable questions and not listening to authority figures.

    The true test is if RS wises up while in college and takes actions to correct the brainwashing. This can take years financially, but sometimes just knowing is half the battle.

    Not only that anyone who detects someone as redpill who isnt will stop at nothing to see you fail, including violating your constitutional protected rights in the process.

  6. leeholsen11:48 AM

    the usa is about to get passed so fast, its going to make it look like the usa is in the 1800s. the current 8 to 18s cant do anything but be entertained and work is considered a google search. i'm afraid todays hardworking illegals are going to tomorrows white kids bosses.

  7. "Just got accepted for Fall 2015, in the Psych major. Should I/can I switch majors?"

    Every other post on Reddit starts like that. Millennials seem to have an aversion to the word "I".

    "Saw a pretty cool car in downtown Detroit yesterday"

    "Found this on a package of cream cheese... cream cheese comes wrapped in FOIL...."

    "Saw this gorgeous cat posing in an antiques shop"

    "Thought reddit might like my tiny 3 week old chameleon. Say hello to Yoda!"

    "Went to Chicago's Art Institute today and I think I saw Ferris having his day off"

    "Received one last Christmas gift yesterday...."

    "Set up the Go Pro on the bird feeder to do a time lapse. Found this on one of the pictures... "

  8. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Cap, did you write that? You trolling? The capitalization and punctuation is far too good to be by anyone getting ready to start college.

  9. Wasn't that the plot of one Rescue Me episode? This one girl friend acted out here problems with her ex and the "therapist" played her ex. I thought they made up the concept of a drama therapist...

    Also why would you need a degree for that?
