Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Episode #78 The Clarey Podcast

In this relatively curse-free podcast Cappy talks about

A review of the movie "The Gambler"
Escaping depression as a conservative or libertarian
Leaving the blood stains on the guy he shot who burglarized his house
Sheeple and lines
How the Holidays screw with you
Your sad friends who bred more children than they could afford
Guilt about being successful
How CONVERSATION is the most valuable commodity in the world
Private sector powerful successful women who hate their lives

and MORE!!!! 

In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!


  1. your bit on swearing on the last podcast was one of the fumiest things i ever listened to

  2. Haven't listened to the podcast yet, saving that for the commute to a pest control conference I'm attending tomorrow.

    I've been trying to find a transcript of Goodman's "fuck you money" speech. That, above all else in the film, was awesome.

  3. Hahaha you're funny, Clarey.

    "This will be a curse free podcast... -30 mins later- f#!@ing c@nt!!!"

  4. Well, sounds like we came to a similar conclusion about The Gambler: Goodman's character was the only interesting thing about it. They should do a spin-off about his character.

    The "fuck you" monologue was the sole thing that entertained me during the whole film, and that's because Goodman's character was reciting my version of the American dream.

    The rest of the film struck me as some general "blah blah money is evil" bullshit, shoved along like vomit before a moldy mop with a "I grew up rich and wealth is so empty so I'm a self-destructive adult consumed by teenage half-assed existentialist angst now waaaaaaah!" cliche story line.

    It could have been interesting if Wahlberg's character cashed in on the game fixing angle some more, developed that talent into something interesting, but nooooo... Of course it has to end with him solving all of his problems by landing on black. Just that, just a turn on the roulette table. Could the writers be any more blatant about attributing success to mere chance?

    And of course, when he finally profits, he leaves the "filthy money" with "the bad people" and runs away from it all and toward "love." I wonder if they'll do a sequel where Wahlberg's character is up to his ass in gambling debt again after his fling dumps him when she gets bored and he realizes that he still lacks a center?

    Like I said, at least there was the one good sequence in the whole film. I ended up in the theater watching this trash on Christmas day, at the cost of $21 for tickets and $6 for a diet Coke, because it was what my mom wanted to do for the afternoon. That one or two minutes out of the entire film almost makes me not regret spending the money on it.
