Wednesday, February 04, 2015

The $10 Billion Blackmailing of the Democrat Party

100% serious.  You can make it more serious by buying copies for your fellow black male friends.


  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Pay me $10 Million and I will not start a nuclear war !

  2. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Even though I'm not black, you make me want to read your book out of curiosity to see just exactly what ticks you off so much.

  3. Half of black men wear their underpants on the outside and haven't read a book in their lives. What makes you think they would (or could) read yours?

  4. Omega Man10:53 AM

    Democrats, Progressives, and other scum of the left are just plain evil and sick.

    The most vile and disgusting policies you can imagine are wrapped in good intentions and then sold to a gullible low information voter.

    They never ever look at the consequences or blowback of their policies, and they will denigrate and slander all those who attempt to shine a light on the disgusting intellectual filth which constitutes their core beliefs

  5. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I wonder if the teachings of your book could apply to whites as well.

  6. Red Knight2:27 PM

    Capn, have you actually done field trials to see whether your book has anything like the potential significance you are ascribing to it? Real field trials on a representative sample, not just reviews by people who didn't need to be convinced in the first place.

    Because if not, you might end up like Rand Paul when he went to Howard University to try to get the black vote. He went in armed with talking points that sounded supremely convincing in the conservative echo chambers where they had been bred, but fell flat when deployed against actual intellectual opposition, against a black audience that weren't the stupid Democrat kool-aid drinking dupes he'd expected to open the eyes of. He was visibly dumbfounded, it was caught on video.

  7. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I hope that after the smashing success of demonstrating the way out of poverty to the Blacks you will follow up with the episode for the Native Americans.
