Sunday, March 15, 2015

Gen X Moms v. 2.0

RamZPaul finds that the DoeEyes Gen X mom is not only telling boys how not to approach her daughter, but she also has a video on how to give blow jobs (obviously not intended for young boys).

I'll say it again, they are the adults now, and young people would be wise to know they are insane.


  1. Anonymous8:38 PM

    It seems the problem is with the school system forcing people who don't like each other to be nearby, and whatever strategic, political, or legal action they wish to take to achieve their goals needs to be targeted at that system.

  2. Meh. It looks like just another idiot looking for her 15 seconds of fame to me.

    Everytime I turn around there is some sexually disturbed deviant clamoring for my attention in hopes of pissing me off. The pedos, the homosexuals, the polygamists, the feminists...and all I can do is yawn.

    Evil walks the earth - hand in hand with stupidity...

  3. Far be it from me from discouraging women who want to Shake Hands With Beef, but what with the talking and the narcissism and the technical language that only an anatomist wants to hear, I am reminded of the fact that even in the ivy leagues, creative writing classes are taught mostly by failed authors.

    I don't like a woman who talks with her mouth full.

  4. 'Reality' Doug6:02 PM

    Seriously, women make themselves a net positive in reality if they sexually facilitate the welfare, happiness, and legacies of producer men. There ain't much for women to do that a men don't do better because of emotional stability. Being an adult requires the management of adult concerns. The juxtaposition of earnest treatment of blow jobs with the psychological abuse of boys is an affront to what women are good for. It is a perversion to indict the natural and good by superficial association with the unnatural and absurd. Even if Satan tells the truth, that truth is still truth. Word. Logos. Nature.

  5. One has to wonder if the woman's "sex ed" videos (there are at least three of them that I found with about 30 seconds of looking) suggested to the young man that the daughter might also be rather adventurous.
