Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Republicans - Apple's and Starbuck's Favorite Bitch

It's alright Republicans and Conservatives.  It's all OK.  Everything clear now.  You can go back to buying the products of corporations that hate you and then at the same time complain, "we must do something."  We know your precious little suburbanite princess' demands to own the latest Apple product outrank the future freedom of this country and the protection of liberty, and so we are giving you the green light to go ahead and fund these companies with additional billions because you're, frankly, all a bunch of hypocrites who can't be "inconvenienced" with something as "tragic" as a boycott.

Enjoy your lily white SWPL know...while they last:


  1. Are conservatives normally big Apple and Starbucks fans? What are you basing this on?

  2. The Republicans have learned the pleasures of Big Government.

  3. Vlaskiach8:16 PM

    Linux operating systems are getting better and more user friendly with every new release, and so now you don't have to empty your bank account to have a decent computer. You no longer have to be a tech nerd to be able to install and run it, it's not full of security holes and bloatware like Windoze, and unlike Apple you don't have to sell your next of kin into slavery to be able to afford it.

    Occasionally you run bugs, but probably fewer than Windoze, and if you take the time to fix the bugs you might actually learn about how computers work, heaven forbid!

    You can install Linux Mint (which is FREE, as in it costs $0.00) on an old computer, and it will really speed it up.

    I'm writing this on an 8 year old Toshiba laptop running Linux Mint 17, and it runs just as fast as my brother-in-law's 1 year old MacBook. Apple used to be the only other alternative to Windoze for the average person, but now you've got better options. Don't waste your money on iCrap ever again!

  4. add Heinz and kraft products to your boycott list.
    both are owned by birkshier Hathaway....warren buffet...
    who gave big money to those who oppose the keystone pipeline. you can't get to buffet directly, but if Heinz and kraft sales tank, maybe he will get a message

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    This is another must-see video that leaps right to the bottom line. Outstanding!

    I’ve been absolutely dumbfounded why everyone, and I mean everyone, has kept silent over the years regarding the boycott of certain businesses that advocate against the philosophy of freedom & liberty. I mean, how stupid can a person be to put their hard earned money (that is, assuming your not a typical govt parasite) in the hands of people who don’t follow or respect their constitutional beliefs. And let’s just add two other crony-capitalistic & illegitimate businesses to the list of MUST boycott companies: GM & Chrysler. These two tax-sucking parasitical pseudo businesses need to be put out of the miserable blood-sucking existence. Anyone driving one of their modern P.O.S. cars deserves neither your respect nor your courtesy and should be scorned. I hope I’m still around when those two vampire freeloaders kick the bucket.

  6. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Don't own crapple products, and never will. Starbucks coffee taste like ass and I never buy my coffee there (usually make it at home or buy from an independent shop...they still exist).

  7. gluten-free gluten4:54 PM

    @anonymous 7:08

    add harley-davidson to the list. they got bailed out by that commie ronald raygun in 1983. harley also got more bailout money in 2008. double dipping, scum sucking parasites.

    no gm. no crysler. no harley. never.

  8. Anonymous5:48 PM

    So what's a good alternative for a phone? Android? Ha! I'm sick to death of having Google's nose up my butt, and Schmidt ran Obama's 2012 turnout software. Microsoft is no better.

    I'm asking seriously, what reasonable alternatives are there?

  9. Anonymous11:36 AM

    It's experimental but you can install Ubuntu for devices supposedly.
