Saturday, April 25, 2015

Why America Needs Bruce Jenner

It gets pretty good ranty at the 4:20 mark once I lay down the premise:


  1. Oh yeah who are the two new people on the cover of Bachelor Pad Economics?

  2. Have you seen the ratings of the Dinosaur Media? These guys get fewer viewers than reruns of Gilligan's Island with the Krapcashians. If they weren't getting venereal diseases from black guys and going fappy gay they would not be "reality" stars. They're just not pretty enough to be porn stars you know.

  3. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Great awesome post. You may get some satisfaction as the high IQ people help eliminate low IQ jobs through technology. But it is only short lived as then you have to help load up their EBT and WIC benefits thru tax transfers.

  4. 1432fpchero12:44 PM

    Great post, but the shot at hockey will get you a solid crosscheck across the ear :-)

  5. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Want further proof that those who worship the Kardajenners don't understand politics and economics? In one of the last two productive Canadian provinces, Alberta, the NDP (Canada's answer to the far left wing of the Dems) has proposed raising the min wage to $15 within three years.

    She's living off of her father's name and there's nothing quite like being lectured about the "little people's needs" by a rich white woman.

  6. Jamie NZ10:07 PM

    This Bruce Jenner thing was one of the lead stories on the 6 o'clock news in New Zealand

    A sign of the times

  7. Anonymous11:56 PM

    I kind of envy these people. It would be a lot easier to be a docile, apathetic loser waiting for the Bruce Jenner interview to hit whilst being completely unaware of the decay of my country and my culture.

  8. Caring about your country and culture has become a painful experience for those who can read the signs of the times.
