Friday, May 29, 2015

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It

is to follow the Ole Captain on twitter this weekend. (frankly, just trying to see if I can get 1,000 new followers in a weekend)


  1. BC Monkey6:25 AM

    Just saw this ad on FB. (

    Take a watch and tell me what you notice the absence of- entirely. (No cheating!)

    OK- there is no sign at all of ANY female presence in the guy's life. Not even the suggestion that there should be one. (3 minute ad and not even a hint of the 101 Dalmatians scenario of your cute dog will get you girls? A marketer could never pass that up unless there was a reason.) The dog actually IS the female presence in the guy's life (see where the dog sleeps, for example) Have marketers decided that MGTOW are a new market, or is this a flipping of the "cat-lady" script to the "Dog-boy"?

    What do your economist spidey senses say?

  2. How do I follow on here?
