Thursday, June 25, 2015

Cappy's Analysis of King v. Burwell


  1. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Exactly! I am probably one of your older viewers, but it's true. I loved the 80's, but it ain't coming back, EVAH! You are 100% correct, live your life, enjoy your friends and family, develop another skillset if you have to, to earn money (still need it for now). Everything else is just background noise. Off to the beach in a few weeks to surf with the family. Next year hitting numerous National Parks, while they are still functioning, and just enjoying the decline on my terms. Best way to do it!

  2. That was in no way an "analysis." That was a fucking commercial for your self-published spooge.

  3. SM7775:07 PM

    There's no need to try convincing the leftists, youth, feminazis, etc., to look at what is going on a little deeper. Shortly, when the decline/economic collapse/martial law starts to kick their collective @sses, they will see reality quite clearly.

    It will probably be too late for them to do anything about it though. Oh well........

  4. America isn't dying, it is already dead. Just like a rotted out oak tree that seems solid, but will fall apart come the next storm. But once it does finally fall, there will be room again for new life. Whether we will see this within any of our lifetimes, is anyone's guess. I'm hoping we will.

  5. @Zorro,

    You'd think that someone who chose the handle "Zorro" would "get" irony. But apparent not.

  6. Many times a determined small group of people have defeated a vastly favored foe. Maybe the enemy is not so powerful in reality. How could the people of East Germany overthrow one of the most repressive totalitarian governments in modern times. According to Wikipedia "the Stasi employed a total of 274,000 people in an effort to root out the class enemy.[12][13] In 1989, the Stasi employed 91,015 people full-time, including 2,000 fully employed unofficial collaborators, 13,073 soldiers and 2,232 officers of GDR army,[14] along with 173,081 unofficial informants inside GDR[15] and 1,553 informants in West Germany."

    You might say, the Soviet Union fell by itself; but our interventionist state is destined for implosion.

    You might say, so stand by and wait. Only it could be replaced by a worse state if good people are not involved in shaping the outcome.

  7. In related news, DrewM said, "Enjoy the decline." I felt a slight comfort at the implied cohesiveness, that there might be enough interested in reality out there that a preference cascade might someday appear.
