Tuesday, June 02, 2015

The "Gaia Democratic School" for Kids

This private cult "school" took 11-13 year olds to a sex shop for "sex ed."

Here is their web site.

Here is their facebook page (note the pictures of the teachers)

I don't have to editorialize.  The pictures tell all you need to know.  But it will be on my upcoming podcast which you can find here.


  1. TroperA12:22 AM

    Gawd. These Gaia idiots remind me of those hippy dippy parents who'd get their kids a video like "Where Did I Come From?" - which explains sex and anatomy to kids down to the last angstrom of detail. (You can see a review of it in all its disturbing glory here.) How this isn't considered child abuse, I don't know.

  2. Anonymous2:12 AM

    No need to worry. Natural opposition will stop this.

  3. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Nothing new here, I'm sorry to say.

    Anyone seen the movie "Auntie Mame" (Rosalind Russell, 1958)? It's a classic, and in it she sends her nephew to a school just like this one.

  4. What's interesting is the male teacher who was charged for letting one couple of students have sex in a closet, yet here we have female teachers encouraging children get into sex and nothing. The report even mentioned going after the store!
    Any parent who leaves their children in that school deserve what they get.

  5. DrTorch5:49 AM

    Makes me realize that people with intelligence (ostensibly labeled "conservatives" at times) need to take on the roles of gate keepers: admissions officers, HR, etc.

    Start rejecting the alumni of farces like this, and see how long they last.

  6. It also strongly echoes the school at the beginning of C.S. Lewis' "The Silver Chair" - though odds are he couldn't have imagined the levels reality would sink to.

  7. Anonymous9:05 AM

    This looks hygenic: https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10991069_792620097460269_2779894769084080197_n.jpg?oh=ac4dd529e901e7760c649dece2dcea55&oe=55F9C742

  8. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Actually, she may be on to something:



  9. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Nice job Cappy, Michael Savage just mentioned this at the start of his show on 6/3/15

  10. Anonymous3:57 PM

    "It seems to me that Director Starri Hedges should be removed from the School both as Director and as teacher due to he disregard for the notification of parents rules. Further, if this is NOT done then it would seem to me that the Tax exempt status of the school should be at risk! If this stunt were done my a MALE teacher I am certain that that MAN would go to jail on sex offender charges. It is only Democratic that the same should apply to Director Starri Hedges!"
    J Buford

  11. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Only an idiot parent would send their kid to a school called "Gaia Democratic School." The names bespeaks a total moron education.
