Thursday, July 16, 2015

College as the Fourth Layer of Government

I find sleep hard to come by.  To aid in this I do many things, one of which is listen to podcasts as I go to bed.  As long as they aren't terribly cerebral or detailed, they usually send me off to slumberland.  But while half awake and about to make the jump last night, it was Bernard Chapin's podcast that jilted me out of my slumber.  The reason why was because he started quoting an article about yet ANOTHER female college student complaining about some sort of injustice or another.

I can't remember even precisely what it was, nor was I able to go back and find the article.  But I do remember my brain kicking in saying,

"WTF?  ANOTHER college drama?  ANOTHER complaint filed about harassment or trigger warnings or what have you?  Why is this happening?  Why can't college students get their act together and just go to school?  Why all the made up drama?"

And then it dawned on me.

I learned over to the bed side table, grabbed my notepad, made a note, and though the brain juices were stirred, I managed to fall back to sleep.

When I woke up this afternoon and looked at my notepad the note read "College is the 4 Layer of Government."  And I realized, despite being half awake, this epiphany was dead on.  For not only is it true, it also explains why we can't go one day without some sort of "news article" about some petulant little child filing some complaint in the world of Academia.

Understand the current three layers of government exist for one logical reason or another.

Federal handles all things national and international.  Defense, roads, trade policy, etc.
States handle regional issues, roads, national guard, interstate commerce, etc.
And local handles issues closest to home.  Schools, parking regulations, police, fire department, etc.

And between these three layers of government the US people have ENOUGH (if not more than enough) governance to make sure society works.  However, whereas governments typical form out of a requirement by the people to either regulate, legislate, or provide a certain public service, additional layers of government may evolve simply because an organization has enough power or is put in an effective position of power over a large enough group of people.

For example, most people really don't have the freedom of speech in the US.  The reason why is that employers act as a defacto 4th layer of government.

You can't make politically incorrect posts on facebook.
You can't participate in politics publicly, lest you be fired by Mozilla.
What's your Twitter password?
Pee in this cup.
Were you out late last night?  You look tired at this morning's meeting.
You can't date at work.
And (my all time favorite "law" one of my employers told me) you can't teach dance class.

And the reason employers can get away with this is because they have power over you in the form of employment.  You need their money to survive.

However, a new and even more Orwellian fourth layer of government has formed and that is colleges or "Academia."  But whereas the power of employers come from the fact you need a job, Academia's power comes from the fact you need a degree to even get a job! (or so they say).  Ergo, entire futures of young people's careers are literally balanced in the hands (and whims) of the unelected officials of Academia.

And who are these unelected officials?

Professors, administrators, diversity officers, and other worthless academic bureaucrats who most certainly, if not entirely, hail from the left.

This has resulted in a defacto tyrannical government forcing their own leftist, socialist, feminist, and anti-white anti-male ideology on the unfortunate and unsuspecting student-citizens of Academiaville.

No longer can "Bill" just show up, get his degree in engineering and go on to work for Boeing.  No he needs "diversity training" before he can graduate.

No longer can "Amy" just show up, get her degree in accounting, and go work for Peat Marwick.  No, she needs to have 20 credit hours in "Corporate Social Responsibility" before she gets her degree.

And no longer can "Bob" just show up to class, flirt with "Jessica" (who he had the hots for on the first day of class) and nail her a month later after a couple dates.  No, Bob needs to worry NOT ABOUT THE COPS, but about how the City Council of Academiaville have revised the definition of the word "rape" to mean "regret."

You combine this all together and you get nothing short of a propagandizing, tyrannical, leftist, Soviet, Orwellian nightmare.  And Mr. Chapin's recent podcast was just one example of the many instances of this hell young people must endure.

The Duke lacrosse team was a perfect example where the fourth layer of government didn't care about police reports, facts, or justice.  They (frankly) hated white males and used their effective government power to punish them for, well, being white males.

The fraternities of UVA were shut down by this fourth layer of government because Rolling Stone magazine wrote a story about a rape that was found out later to be false.  Again, facts, police reports, forensics, and reality be damned.  The leftist, feminist ideology of UVA's City Council was the effective law of the land there and they don't like fraternities.  Shut them down!

How about Mattress girl at the Soviet Socialist Republic of Columbia University?  Again, a provably false rape accusation where the unelected officials of Columbia university made the life of Jean-Paul Nungesser not only hell, but made it very likely he'd never have a career.  It wasn't until Mr. Nungesser provided proof (in the form of texts) that the sex was consensual and that Mattress Girl (and Columbia University) was proven wrong.  (He is now suing Columbia University, good for him.)

And how can we forget when they turn on their own?  Laura Kipnis, a feminist studies hack professor enjoyed the experience some lampreys enjoy when other lampreys attack their own.  After writing an article decrying the "sexual paranoia" she witnessed on college campuses two complaints were filed by (you guessed it) two lampreys feminist college students against her.  After circus court ordeal where college administrators wouldn't even tell her what the complaint was about, she was exonerated.

But what makes the drama in college campuses today so frequent and "news worthy" (not to mention laughable) is not so much the Orwellian nature of leftist college administrators as much as it is their own success.  Through nearly three generations of leftist brainwashing in both K-12 and media, the (predominantly) aged, baby boomer leftists of the 60's who run Academiaville are now reaping what they sowed.  Thus, their problem students are not the "evil" "Straight Laced White Boy McGee" who comes in, wants to major in Actuarial Studies (who they desperately wanted to punish because of whitey-malelyness).  It's the professional victim-monsters they've created that are now the citizenry of their domain.  And they couldn't deserve these little self-created Frankenstein monsters more.

19 year old spoiled brat children from the suburbs who have NEVER been held to a standard and have ALWAYS been told they were right filing complaints against professors.

18 year old adult children who have NO real world experience, but have been brainwashed to believe because they champion the politically correct approved crusades and causes, they are "smart" and know better.

And particularly delicious is the egomaniac hordes of young American female students who have been led to believe that not only are they great, but are automatically victims, constantly under assail and assault, because they have a vagina.  And that if things don't go their way, by god, they need to file a report and get people fired.

The result is a circus that belies not only the true intent of these academian leftist ideologues, but shows us what a leftist utopia looks like and the ultimate insanity that would ensue.

Trigger warnings
"Safe rooms"
False rape hysteria
Worthless college graduates with worthless college degrees
Financial ignoramouses who VEHEMENTLY defend wasting $200,000 on said worthless degrees
Fat acceptance
Tuition increases at 8x's the rate of inflation and 5x's the rate of wage increases

and ultimately

an entire generation of adult children who are not only completely useless and valueless to the rest of society, but are LIABILITIES NOBODY will want to have anything to do with.

The solution, of course, is two fold.

One, you do not have to live in "Academiaville."  You can attend conservative colleges like Hillsdale which do NOT have the totalitarian, leftist insanity.  You can focus on your studies and side step all the leftist indoctrination that is falsely posing as your "pre-requisite" classes to ensure you're a "well rounded person."  Plus girls at Hillsdale will unlikely accuse you of rape if you kiss them on the cheek goodnight.

Two, that internet is coming.  Already the IT industry (rightly) places more value on certifications and experience than it does that increasingly worthless piece of paper.  Additionally, with places like ASU offering accredited degrees online in conjunction with the likes of Khan's Academy and CourseX, the MOOQ's will be replacing college campuses for a fraction of the cost, and NONE of the insanity.  The only thing stopping it is getting American employers to realize it.

And truth be told, the Ole Captain has a little trick up his sleeve that might just make that happen sooner than you think.

But that is another story for another time.


  1. Looking forward to that little trick.

  2. Bucho4:47 PM

    Thought of the ol' captain when I read this article about Heald College closing. I think this is the first time I've seen someone in the MSM reference the college bubble....;_ylt=AwrC1ClTQqhVu3YArGnQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--

  3. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "And (my all time favorite "law" one of my employers told me) you can't teach dance class." Lol how can they even justify that to themselves.

  4. Mencius Moldbug would agree with you. You might start at ...

    > And the left is the party of the educational organs, at whose head is the press and universities. This is our 20th-century version of the established church. Here at UR, we sometimes call it the Cathedral - although it is essential to note that, unlike an ordinary organization, it has no central administrator. No, this will not make it easier to deal with.

    Moldbug is long-winded but insightful.

  5. Wabbit Season6:51 AM

    You can thank Title IX for creating a petit-authoritarian government of unelected university bureaucrats.

    Title IX was wrapped up in civil rights swaddling clothes, so it exists as part of the grand edifice of American equality politics, and to the left is something that must be left unquestioned.

    Fortunately for the punters, there's a way to un-elect these petit-authoritarians -- I think there's this person named Aaron Clarey who wrote something about that ...

  6. The things you cite about "academia" as proof of it being an indoctrinating center are the things I saw as a student at an HBCU (Historically Black College/ University) in the mid 80s. That campus community and the "tilt" of the coursework were rabidly Leftist. This environment influenced me and I blindly adopted those ideas. I see many similarities between my experiences in college and what is happening on campuses today. Feminism strikes a chord with me because it reminds me of the Civil Rights/ Afrocentrist/ Black Grievance mentality that I not only witnessed but became a part of. There must be a word for this because the feminist dynamic is identical to the dynamic that influenced me during my college years. Racism was our sexism, white supremacy was our patriarchy, institutionalized racism was our rape culture, and both white males and western civilization (in the general sense) were the enemy.

    My experience in that setting was an immersion into an echo chamber. I had no real world experience, didn't know anything about western civilization, and didn't know jack shit about economics. I had no meaningful grasp of countering ideas that could have led me to think rationally about the things I had adopted. Instead of recognizing the ignorance, we presumed ourselves to be "conscious" which was shorthand for "intelligent". Another term used was "tight". I was known by some as "that tight brother" because I could recite all the Black activist slogans off the top of my head.

    Of course I've changed otherwise I would not be frequenting all the sites and blogs that make up the dissident right community which includes the so-called manosphere. The change came as a result of entering the real world of employment. There is an irony in that experience. The change came after working as public school teacher in a city school system. A long series of events and incidents, which are too long to describe, caused a gradual change in my thinking. The first significant stop on this evolutionary path was joining "team republican". Now I hate that team but still recognize the importance of that "stepping stone".

  7. In Australia another layer is credentialism eg becoming 'Chartered'. A chartered engineer used to be someone who had been in the game for 30 years, now it's a 30 year old person who writes enough stories, pays the fees and signs on for a lifetime of 'membership' which used to be a nice to have in the jobs market, is now a must have.
    Oh, you want this job that you've got all the credentials and experience for? Come back when you're chartered.
    BTW the cost to get assessed to get chartered is like $2.5k plus an annual fee of $500 to belong. That's basically economic protection money if you ask me.
    Also, the group that does this declares that all members believe in things like Climate Change and closing the STEM gender gap, not that they asked any of their 'voluntary' members...

  8. For example, most people really don't have the freedom of speech in the US. The reason why is that employers act as a defacto 4th layer of government.

    That's why you got to choose yourself. Self-employment

  9. As a very successful manager I never paid attention to education or certification or "experience" or gender or age or race or disability All I cared about was whether or not they could get the job done, personal characteristics, and how they would fit in the team. Many of my best people never went to or completed college and one of the best dropped out of school at the fourth grade. I was in retailing and technology.However, I currently teach at a university in Texas.

  10. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Hey Aaaron, if you think college is bad just wait until you read this:

    The headline:

    ‘Abolishing White Masculinity’ prof: Successful blacks who tout ‘American dream’ aid ‘white supremacist ideology’

    I wonder what she would think of your book "Black Man's Guide out of poverty?



  11. Of course it is totally true that certain political views now effectively have to be held otherwise you will be viewed as complete scum or certainly less intelligent. A lot of people seem to think holding views which have been handed to them and speaking in the talking points they have absorbed means that they have really researched and thought about issues. The truth is that usually they have no idea what they are talking about. I wish we could laugh these people off however they seem too dangerous for that.
