Friday, July 03, 2015

"Why Do You Carry a Gun, Aaron?"

Because you never know when some idiot is going to shoot up a movie theater
Some kid is going to start blasting away people at church
Or a swarm of idiots decide to get violent.


  1. If someone breaks into your home, a gun is really nice thing to have

  2. and I carry for the same reasons....

    But what caliber for "Mob of 50 plus"?

    Srsly, I don't carry enough spare mags....

  3. "Because a whole cop is too heavy."

  4. How dare you? Aaron, you ignorant slut.

    Those aren't 'idiots' you fool...they're 'VIBRANTS'.

    Most of them are just playful children, or young men and women getting ready to go to school and become successful astronauts, cancer researchers, and gentle pillars of the community!

    If you shot one, you will be burned at the stake or publicly crucified - and it would serve you right you racist bastid


    Why....sure, I'll have another beer thanks....

  5. And not a SINGLE white face among them.

    And if pointing that out makes me a racist then fuck it.

    Hoist me a confederate flag.

  6. Anonymous9:43 AM


  7. Anonymous6:24 PM

    So what do you do when you visit Canada ? You don't have the right to carry there.
    In addition to carrying, being in a group also helps. Being alone against 50 kind of sucks.

    ""Why Do You Carry a Gun, Aaron?""

    This is America, therefore the appropriate answer is "Because I can".

  8. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Those blacks seem very fit for combat. Draft them, train them hard and have them make life miserable for the enemies of the USA. It will give them a sense of purpose, agency and training hard all day long will exhaust their aggressivity and they will be manageable.

    There is a reason why they used to make inmates crush rocks all day long, and it had nothing to do with punishing them nor torturing them. It was to exhaust them and to provide an outlet for their aggression, to make them more manageable.

  9. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Ahhhh, the vibrant yutes. Good to see the vibrant yutes getting exercise??? Vibrancy! Yay! ?

    As I like to say the locks on my house protect you from me. I carry, because, hope is not a plan.

  10. "Why do you carry a gun, Aaron?" Better question is "Why do you TELL people you carry a gun, Aaron?"

    If you never have to draw it, great. If you do have to draw it, let them find out the hard way.

  11. Cap, what do you carry? And would you recommend it?

  12. Mark Matis1:24 PM

    WalMart had, just a few days before, stopped selling Confederate flags to appease these fine members of society. How appropriate that they stopped in to thank the corporation appropriately for their outstanding sensitivity. That little green frog puppet sure can be a bitch, can't he?

    Now if only these fine upstanding urban youfs will do the same to Sears and K-Mart and e-Bay and Amazon...

  13. bob r7:22 AM

    "So what do you do when you visit Canada ? You don't have the right to carry there."

    Sure you do; you have a right to carry in every country on Earth. The problem is that in most countries there are thugs (who have guns and/or who hired other thugs with guns) that don't respect human rights.
