Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Why Women Make Less Than Men

Thanks to a VERY deep undercover agent in the field (in academia!), I think I have found the perfect, singular and AUTHORITATIVE source to point young women to when they claim there's a wage gap, women earn less than men, glass ceiling, etc. etc. etc.


It's a PDF file, but in short it is a 182 page paper on earnings potentials for different degrees.  You needed read the entire document (obvious) as much as just peruse the charts in the first few pages.  It's DAMNING as to just how clear it is that women simply choose:

More popular and thus
More supplied/flooded majors

which (if they ever bothered to pay attention to economics 101, but "math hard") explains not only the wage gap, BUT PROVIDES THE THE KEY IF THEY WISH TO CLOSE IT! (but again, I know, I know, "math hard")

Anyway, book mark this page and merely link to it anytime you get into this tiresome and obsolete argument that there's a wage gap.


  1. Anonymous7:31 PM


    We in the UK are getting pummelled by this shit:


  2. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Part of the problem is that women, being herd creatures, choose the popular majors less because they are easy and more because everyone else is doing it. My own major (philosophy) was not particularly employable, but at a large state university there were only six of us majoring in it out of a class of several thousand - and we were all men.

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    There was / is series on iowa public radio about the gender pay gap this today/ thisweek. I sent them a letter for all the good it will do.

    A waitress will never make what an engineer makes.

  4. I'm totally with you on this Cappy! But in the PDF, even when the men and women were in the same job there was a wage gap? Why would there be? Obviously there's a good logical explanation, otherwise employers would seek out women to save money hahahhaa! I'm dismissing sexism because that'd be arbitrary and like I said, women would dominate the employment percentages

  5. I'm totally with you on this Cappy! But in the PDF, even when the men and women were in the same job there was a wage gap? Why would there be? Obviously there's a good logical explanation, otherwise employers would seek out women to save money hahahhaa! I'm dismissing sexism because that'd be arbitrary and like I said, women would dominate the employment percentages
